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Annales Cambriae B

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(Redirectum de Annales ab orbe condito adusque A. D. mcclxxxvi)
Sine Nomine
Annales Cambriae
Annales ab orbe condito adusque A. D. mcclxxxvi
c. Saeculo XIII

editio: Public Records Office MS. E.164/1, K.R. Misc. Books, Series I, pp. 2–26
fons: incognitus



The manuscript is in a single hand of the late 13th century. The chronicle runs from the creation down to its stated A.D. '1286', its annals commencing with Julius Caesar's invasion of Britain.

For an overview of Annales Cambriae and references see Annales Cambriae

Editorial principles:

[2a] indicates page and column of original MS
[bw1], etc. indicates item in World Chronicle
[b1], etc. indicates item in annals.
Text within curved brackets, e.g. (text), indicates editorial insertions where letters or text have been accidentally or deliberately omitted by the scribe (an example of deliberate omission is in the case of some proper names: e.g. .e. for edwardus, rendered here .e(dwardus).).
Text within ornate brackets, e.g. {text}, indicates conjectural readings where the MS is difficult or impossible to read (but see N.B. below).
Contractions have been silently expanded throughout, so that e.g. e(i)us represents expansion of e' where the comma behind the e is the contraction for us but where the scribe has not indicated the i in presumptive eius. Conversely, the scribe has sometimes inserted extra characters, as in the continual use of excercitum (found both uncontracted, and as exc'citum) for exercitum. These readings will eventually be elucidated in footnotes; for now, readings that look like mistakes are very probably examples of these scribal peculiarities in the MS.
All J,j (if any) are rendered as I,i; but the distinction between scribal U and V, and u and v, very clearly different if not always consistent in the MS, has been maintained in the transcription.
The graphemes for c and t require further consideration. It is not always easy to distinguish between these, but it is certain that -ci- often appears for -ti-, e.g. tocius for totius, and perhaps both demecia and demetia are in evidence, sometimes in close proximity to one another. Except in the most obvious cases, some uncertainty will perhaps remain as to which grapheme was intended by the scribe.
Capitals have been restricted to those instances where a capital is clearly intended. In proper nouns, the principal name is often capitalised but the patronymic is not; sometimes even the principal name is uncapitalised.
Punctuation has not been modernised, and puncti are shown only where they are clearly present in the MS. There is one single example of a sign resembling the modern colon, perhaps intended to be a punctus elevatus.

N.B.: The volume in which the chronicle is preserved (E164/1) is currently in conservation (1 August 2011) and it has not been possible to obtain high resolution scans of all of the MS. The copies at present available from microfilm are often very difficult to read, and in some places unreadable. It may be possible to eliminate many of the uncertain readings when the volume once again becomes available for copying or for physical inspection. Henrywgc

Vide etiam


Hoc opus publicatum ante kal. Ian. an. MMDCLXXVI. A.U.C. est in dominio publico toto mundo quia auctor ab minimo C. annos ab hinc passus est.