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Liber:A First Latin Reader.pdf

E Wikisource
Scriptor Herbert Chester Nutting
Titulus A First Latin Reader
Annus 1912
Editor American Book Company
Fons archive.org
Early American History
5. The Cabots
6. Captain John Smith
7. Captain John Smith (continued)
8. Captain John Smith (continued)
9. Captain John Smith (concluded)
10. Pocahontas
11. Henry Hudson
12. Henry Hudson (continued)
13. Colonization in New England
14. A Soldier’s Courtship
15. Unrest among the Indians
16. Old Friends become Enemies
17. The Outbreak of King Philip’s War
18. A Remarkable Deliverance
19. Philip finds Allies
20. Captain Church
21. The Death of Philip
22. End of the War
23. William Penn and the Friends
24. Nathaniel Bacon in Virginia
25. Nathaniel Bacon (continued)
26. Nathaniel Bacon (continued)
27. The Boyhood of George Washington
28. Experiences on the Frontier
29. A Dangerous Mission
30. A Dangerous Mission (continued)
31. The Beginning of the French and Indian War
32. Braddock’s Defeat
33. Later Events of the War
34. The Outbreak of the Revolution
35. Operations about Boston
36. The Battles of Long Island and Trenton
37. The Retreat from Trenton
38. Burgoyne’s Campaign
39. Valley Forge
40. Help from France
41. Benedict Arnold
42. A Roman who fought against his Country
43. The Surrender of Cornwallis
44. Washington retires to Private Life
45. The Father of his Country
Tales of Land and Sea
46. The Settler’s Daughter
47. The Trials of War
48. The Attempt to surprise Detroit
49. The Attempt to surprise Detroit (continued)
50. A Successful Ruse
51. How the Town was Saved
52. An Example of Fortitude
53. A Hasty Leave-Taking
54. The Capture of a Man-of-War
55. The Fall of New London
56. The Fall of New London (continued)
57. Captivity among the Indians
58. A Fresh Supply of Powder
59. A Battle against Great Odds
60. A Night Attack
61. A Choice of Evils
62. Lost in the Woods
63. The Battle of Saratoga
64. Unwelcome Visitors
65. The Boyhood of Daniel Boone
66. The End of the Pequots
67. The End of the Pequots (continued)
68. A Difficult Escape
69. Stories about Daniel Boone
70. An English Privateer
71. A Roman Vandal
72. Indian Vengeance
73. A Tale of Brave Women
74. The Treasure Seekers
75. A Dangerous Conspiracy
76. A Dangerous Conspiracy (continued)
77. A Quick-Witted Messenger
78. Fortune favors the Brave
79. Andrew Jackson
80. Pirates Ashore
81. Carrying the Tribute
82. A Succussful Ambuscade
83. An Intrepid Commander
84. Burned at the Stake
85. An Early Morning Surprise
86. Some Very Distinguished Geese
87. An Army of Two
88. Horatius at the Bridge
89. A Favor Repaid
90. An Earthquake in Colonial Times
91. Evils of the Slave Trade
92. A Pirate Outdone
93. Colonization in Africa
94. A Prize Won and Lost
95. A Prize Won and Lost (continued)
96. A Mysterious Disappearance
97. Early Days in Liberia
98. An Experience with Robbers
99. The Capture of Stony Point
100. Nathan Hale
Stories from Caesar Retold
101. Unexpected Trouble
102. A Parley with the Enemy
103. Division of Opinion in the Roman Camp
104. The Advice of the Enemy is Taken
105. The Romans are Ambushed
106. The Enemy Prevail
107. Annihilation of the Roman Force
108. The Gauls attack a Second Camp
109. The Beseiged attempt to Communicate with Caesar
110. Heroic Defense of their Camp
111. A Messenger eludes the Enemy
112. Caesar heads a Relief Force
113. The Beseiged learn of Caesar’s Approach
114. The Enemy raise the Seige
115. They are Outgeneraled by Caesar
116. Arrangements for the Rest of the Winter
117. Caesar lands a Force in Africa
118. Operations about Utica
119. Curio gains an Initial Advantage
120. He maintains his Army’s Loyalty to Caesar
121. The Pompeians suffer a Second Reverse
122. Narrow Escape of their Commander
123. King Juba marches to the Relief of Varus
124. The Numidians resort to Strategy
125. Curio’s Army is Annihilated
Selected Passages from Latin Prose Authors
126-128. An Episode from the Gallic War
129-130. An Episode from the Civil War
131. The Death of Caesar
132-133. The Fate of Hannibal
134-136. Catiline’s Conspiracy
137-140. On the Eastern Frontier
Word List
Latin-English Vocabulary
List of Maps
The Scene of Curio’s Campaign in Africa
Asia Minor