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Pagina:Cothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu/61

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Haec pagina nondum emendata est
abl. ablative. gen. genitive. perf. perfect.
acc. accusative. impers. impersonal. Pf- perfect.
adj. adjective. indecl. indeclinable. pl. plural.
adv. adverb. intrans intransitive. prep. preposition.
comp. comparative. m. masculine. s. singular.
conj. conjunction. mid. middle. sup. supine.
dat. dative. n. neuter. superl. superlative.
def. defective. nom. nominative. trans. transitive.
f. feminine. num. numeral. vb. verb.
fut. future

The numerals 1, 2, etc., denote the declension of nouns, the class of adjectives, and the conjugation of verbs respectively; but nouns and verbs with -i stems are marked as ‘-i nouns’ and ‘-i verbs’.

Where the supine form is represented by a rule (), the supine stem is not in general use.

Prepositions take the accusative case, unless otherwise stated.

ā, ah!
ā (before consonants only), ab, with vth.,fro>n ; with passives, by ; abs te, from you.
abeo, go azvay.
abripio, -ripui, -reptum, -i vb., pmll away.
absens, 2, absent.
absum, am absent.
absurdus, i, stupid.
accedo, -cessT, -cessum, 3 approach ; ad hostes accedit, approaches the enemy.
accido, -cidi, 3 happen.
accipio, -cepi, -ceptum, -i vb. receive.
accusator, m. 3, accuser.
accuso, I, accuse.
ad, to, near.
adduco, 3, lead up.
adeo, approach ; ducem adit, appi-oaches the general.
adfero, attulT, adlatum, bring up.
adflcio, -feci, -fectum , -i vb. , cover with ; illud me ira adfecit, that gave me a feeling of anger.
adflrmo, i, state plainly.
adhuc, till now.
adimo, -emi, -emptum, 3, take away ; mihi gladium ademit, took my s-vord from me.
aditus, m. 4, approach, access.
adiuvo, -iuvl, -iutum, i, help.