Haec pagina nondum emendata est
adoro, i, 7vorsliip. |
adsentior, 4, express agrcefnent. |
adspieiOj-spexi, -spectum, 3, see. |
adsum, atn present ; senatul |
ndcrat, was present at the |
se72ate. |
adulescens, m.i. -y^youih, vtaid. |
advenio, 4, arrive. |
aedes, f. pi., -i noun, house. |
aedifico, i, build. |
aeneus, i, brazen. |
aequo, i, make equal. |
aetas, aetatis, f. 3, age. |
aeterrms, i, e'ernal. |
aevum, n. 2, ai^e. |
affero — adfero. |
afflcio = adficio. |
affirmo = adfirmo. |
agedum, covic now ! |
agito, I, stir. |
agmen, agminis, n. 3, eonpany. |
ago, egl, actum, 3, do^ drive ; |
quid agis, Jiow are you ? |
aio, say, say yes. |
albus, I, ivhiic. |
alienus, i, bcIongi)ig to anolJicr. |
aliquando, at last. |
aliquis, aliquae or aliqua, sovie |
one. |
aliquot, many. |
alius, other. |
alo, aluT, 3, rear. |
alter, altera, other (of two), |
seeond. |
ambo, both. |
ambulo, i, take a walk. |
amTca, f. ^ friend. |
amicus, m. 2, friend. |
amitto, 3, let go, lose. |
amo, I, love. |
amor, amoris, m, 3, love. |
ilmoveo, 2, banish. |
amplector, -plexus, 3, eifibracc. |
amplexus, m. 4. embrace. |
amplius, longer. |
amplus, r, grand. |
an, or? |
anima, f. i, soul anima deficit, |
faitits. |
animus, m. 2, mind; pi., high |
courage. |
annalea, m. pi. -i noun, history. |
annon, or not ? |
annus, m. 2, year. |
ante, adv. and prep., before. |
antecedo, 2>, go before. |
antepono, 3,/r^;'. |
Antium,n. 2, Antiuin (a town). |
appello, I, name ; ad Caesarem |
appello, appeal to Caesar. |
appeto, -petlvi, -petltum, 3, |
aim at. |
apud, prep., near, in the sight |
of |
ara, f. i , altar. |
ardor, m. 3, keenness. |
argentum, n. s. 2, silver. |
arma, n. pi. 2, arms. |
Asia, f. I, Asia. |
aspicio — adspiciu. |
at, but. |
ater, atra, i, black. |
at que, and; idem atquc, the |
same as. |
attendo, 3 ; animum attende, |
give your attention. |
attineo, -tinui, 2, reach to ; nihil |
attinet ad me, it does not con- |
cern me. |
attingo, -tigl, 3, touch. |
attoUo, no )L or sup., 3, lift up. |
auctor, aucloris, m. 3, origina- |
tor. |
auctoritas, -tatis, f. 3, authority. |
audeo, ausus, 2, dare. |
audio, 4, hear. |
aufero, abstull, abllitum, carry |
off- |
augeo, auxT, auctum, 2, make |
larger, increase. |
Augusta, f. I, 'the revered,' |
title of Livia, wife of the em- |
peror Augustus. |
Augustus, m. 2, title of the |
emperor. |
aurevis, i, golden. |
aut, or : aut . . . aut, either . . . |
or. |