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Pagina:Cothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu/62

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Haec pagina nondum emendata est
adoro, i, 7vorsliip.
adsentior, 4, express agrcefnent.
adspieiOj-spexi, -spectum, 3, see.
adsum, atn present ; senatul
ndcrat, was present at the
adulescens, m.i. -y^youih, vtaid.
advenio, 4, arrive.
aedes, f. pi., -i noun, house.
aedifico, i, build.
aeneus, i, brazen.
aequo, i, make equal.
aetas, aetatis, f. 3, age.
aeterrms, i, e'ernal.
aevum, n. 2, ai^e.
affero — adfero.
afflcio = adficio.
affirmo = adfirmo.
agedum, covic now !
agito, I, stir.
agmen, agminis, n. 3, eonpany.
ago, egl, actum, 3, do^ drive ;
quid agis, Jiow are you ?
aio, say, say yes.
albus, I, ivhiic.
alienus, i, bcIongi)ig to anolJicr.
aliquando, at last.
aliquis, aliquae or aliqua, sovie
aliquot, many.
alius, other.
alo, aluT, 3, rear.
alter, altera, other (of two),
ambo, both.
ambulo, i, take a walk.
amTca, f. ^ friend.
amicus, m. 2, friend.
amitto, 3, let go, lose.
amo, I, love.
amor, amoris, m, 3, love.
ilmoveo, 2, banish.
amplector, -plexus, 3, eifibracc.
amplexus, m. 4. embrace.
amplius, longer.
amplus, r, grand.
an, or?
anima, f. i, soul anima deficit,
animus, m. 2, mind; pi., high
annalea, m. pi. -i noun, history.
annon, or not ?
annus, m. 2, year.
ante, adv. and prep., before.
antecedo, 2>, go before.
antepono, 3,/r^;'.
Antium,n. 2, Antiuin (a town).
appello, I, name ; ad Caesarem
appello, appeal to Caesar.
appeto, -petlvi, -petltum, 3,
aim at.
apud, prep., near, in the sight
ara, f. i , altar.
ardor, m. 3, keenness.
argentum, n. s. 2, silver.
arma, n. pi. 2, arms.
Asia, f. I, Asia.
aspicio — adspiciu.
at, but.
ater, atra, i, black.
at que, and; idem atquc, the
same as.
attendo, 3 ; animum attende,
give your attention.
attineo, -tinui, 2, reach to ; nihil
attinet ad me, it does not con-
cern me.
attingo, -tigl, 3, touch.
attoUo, no )L or sup., 3, lift up.
auctor, aucloris, m. 3, origina-
auctoritas, -tatis, f. 3, authority.
audeo, ausus, 2, dare.
audio, 4, hear.
aufero, abstull, abllitum, carry
augeo, auxT, auctum, 2, make
larger, increase.
Augusta, f. I, 'the revered,'
title of Livia, wife of the em-
peror Augustus.
Augustus, m. 2, title of the
aurevis, i, golden.
aut, or : aut . . . aut, either . . .