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Pagina:Cothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu/66

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Haec pagina nondum emendata est
iask exigit a me argentum, demands nionty of me.
exiliura, n. 2, exile.
eximo, -emi, -emptuni, 3, take
exitium, n. 2, desi ruction.
exopto, I, long for. ,
exoro, 1, obtain by pruycrs.
experior, -pertus, 4, try.
expers, 2, without share iii.
expurgo, I, cleanse by fire.
exspectd, 1, await.
exterus, i, on the outside ; com-
])arison — exterior, extrcmus.
extra, adv. or prep., outside.
extremus. See exterus.
exulo, I, live in e.xile.
exuro, 3, burn up.
facetus, I , witty.
facies, f. ^,face.
facio, feci, factum, -i vb., do,
factum, n. 2, deed.
fallo, fefelll, deceive ; hora nus
fefellit, we did not notice the
fama, f. i, report, glory.
fames, f. 3 and ^fhu}iger.
famula, f. 1 , maid.
fas, n.indecl.noun, thing permis-
fateor, fassus, 2, declare, confess.
faustus, 1, lucky.
faveo, favi, fautum, 2, favour;
patriae favet, seeks his country's
felicitas, -tatis, f. 3, happiness.
felix, -icis, 2, happy,
femina, f. 1, zvoman.
femur, femoris, n. 3, thigh.
feriae, f. pi. i, holiday.
ferio, no pf. or sup., 4, strike.
fero, bear, report.
ferox, ferocis, 2, bold.
ferus, I, wild.
fessus, I, tired.
festus, , festal.
fldelis, 2, faithful.
fides, f. I), faith.
filia, f. I, daughter.
filius, m. 2, son.
fingo, finxi, fictum, 3,/t'4'«.
finis, m., -i noun, //;////, end
pi. fines, territory.
fio, be j)iade, become.
firmo, I, strengthen., establish.
firmus, I, st7-cng.
flamma, f. , flame.
fleo, jlevi, fletum, 2, wecp
trans., weep for.
floccus, 2, lock of ivool; flocci
facio, consider xuorth a st>'aza.
focus, 2, hearth.
foris, f., -i noun, door.
foris, out of doors.
forma, f. 1, shape, beauty.
fortasse, perhaps.
forte, by cha)ice.
fortis, 2, strong, brave.
fortiter, bravely,
fortitiido, -dinis, f. 3, courage.
fortuna, f. i, chance.
frater, fralris, m. 3, brother.
frviruentum., n. 2, cor)i.
friistra, in vain.
fugio, fugl, fut. part, fugiturus,
-i h., flee from, flee.
fugitivus, m. 2, runaway.
furaius, m. 2, smoke.
fundo, fudi, fusum, 3, pour out,
fiinus, funeris, n. 3, death.
gaudeo, gavlsus sum, 2, re-
gaudium, n. 2, joy.
gens, gentis, f., -i noun, people.
genu, n. 4, kjiee.
genus, generis, n. 3, race.
Germanus, m. 2, a German.
gero, gessi, gestum, 3, carr}',
wear; bellum gerit, carries
on war.
gigno, genuT, genitum, I, give
life to.
gladius, m. 2, sword.
gloria, f. , glory.