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Pagina:Cothvrnvlvs three short Latin historical plays for the use of beginners.djvu/71

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Haec pagina nondum emendata est
pario, pepcri, partiui), -i vb.,
ivin, give birtJi to.
paro, I, collect, preparCyWin.
pars, partis, f.,-i noim,/ar/; pi.
partes, a party ; partes agcrc,
to act a part.
Parthus, m. 2, a Parthian.
parvulus, 1 , little.
parvus, I, small; comparison —
minor, minimus.
pateo, i)atuT, 2, lie open.
pater, patri?, m. 7,, father.
patior,passus, -ivb., suffer ; non
paticir te abac, / ivill not let
you go.
patria, f. i, country.
patrius, i , of the country.
patruus, m. 2, uncle.
pauci, i,fezu.
paulum, n. 2, nom. ace. s. only,
a little.
pauper, pauperis, S,poor; super-
lative — iDauperrimus.
pax, pacis, f. 2, peace. No gen.
pecco, I , c/o wrong.
pectus, pectoris, n. 3, breast.
pecunia, f. 1, vioney.
peior, 3, worse.
pello, pepull, pulsum, 3,
pendeo, pependl^ 2, hang (in-
per, prep, with ace, through.
percutio, -cussT, -cussum, -i vb.,
perditus, i, dissolute.
perdo, -didi, -ditum, 3, destroy.
perdue 6, 3, d7-azu on.
per eo, perish.
perfero, pertull, perlatum, carry
through, endure.
perficio, -feci, -fectum, -i vb.,
periculum, n. 2, danger.
peritus, i, experienced in (with
perlongus, i, very long,
permitto, i, permit.
perl ego, -legi, -lectum, 3, real
pertineo, -tinui, 2, pertain ; non
pertinet ad rem, lias nothing
to do zuith it.
pervenio, -veni, vcntum, 4,
pes, pedis, m. l^foot.
pessimus, i , worst. See mains.
peto, petivl or petil, petltum, 3,
ask, attack ; petit a me queni
videi im, he asks me zvho it zvas
I saiv.
philosopher, , philosophise.
philoKophus, 2, philosopher.
pietas, -tatis, f. 3, loyalty, ^ff'-
tion pietas erga patrem, ajfcc-
tion tozvards his father.
placed, 2, zvin approval', im-
pers., placuit senatui legal os
mitll, the senate resolved that
spokesmen should be sent.
plaudo, plauil, plausum, 3,
plausus, 4, applause.
plebes or plebs, f. 3 and 5,
common people.
plerique, /Jiost.
pluit, pluit, it rains.
plurimus, j, in very i^reat num-
plus, n. 3, nom. and ace, more.
poena, f. , punishment.
polliceor, 2, promise.
pontifex, -fici?, m. 3, high
populus, m. 2, people.
porta, f. I, gate.
porto, r, carry.
posco, poposci, 3, ask', patrem
claves poscit, asks his father
for the keys.
possum, potuT, be able.
post, adv., aftcrzvards, behind)
pre])., after, behind.
postea, aftcrzvards.
posterus, behind, later; com-
parison — posterior, postremus ;
pi. poster!, descendants.