Haec pagina nondum emendata est
pario, pepcri, partiui), -i vb., |
ivin, give birtJi to. |
paro, I, collect, preparCyWin. |
pars, partis, f.,-i noim,/ar/; pi. |
partes, a party ; partes agcrc, |
to act a part. |
Parthus, m. 2, a Parthian. |
parvulus, 1 , little. |
parvus, I, small; comparison — |
minor, minimus. |
pateo, i)atuT, 2, lie open. |
pater, patri?, m. 7,, father. |
patior,passus, -ivb., suffer ; non |
paticir te abac, / ivill not let |
you go. |
patria, f. i, country. |
patrius, i , of the country. |
patruus, m. 2, uncle. |
pauci, i,fezu. |
paulum, n. 2, nom. ace. s. only, |
a little. |
pauper, pauperis, S,poor; super- |
lative — iDauperrimus. |
pax, pacis, f. 2, peace. No gen. |
pi. |
pecco, I , c/o wrong. |
pectus, pectoris, n. 3, breast. |
pecunia, f. 1, vioney. |
peior, 3, worse. |
pello, pepull, pulsum, 3, |
drive. |
pendeo, pependl^ 2, hang (in- |
trans.). |
per, prep, with ace, through. |
percutio, -cussT, -cussum, -i vb., |
strike. |
perditus, i, dissolute. |
perdo, -didi, -ditum, 3, destroy. |
perdue 6, 3, d7-azu on. |
per eo, perish. |
perfero, pertull, perlatum, carry |
through, endure. |
perficio, -feci, -fectum, -i vb., |
complete. |
periculum, n. 2, danger. |
peritus, i, experienced in (with |
gen.). |
perlongus, i, very long, |
permitto, i, permit. |
perl ego, -legi, -lectum, 3, real |
through. |
pertineo, -tinui, 2, pertain ; non |
pertinet ad rem, lias nothing |
to do zuith it. |
pervenio, -veni, vcntum, 4, |
arrive. |
pes, pedis, m. l^foot. |
pessimus, i , worst. See mains. |
peto, petivl or petil, petltum, 3, |
ask, attack ; petit a me queni |
videi im, he asks me zvho it zvas |
I saiv. |
philosopher, , philosophise. |
philoKophus, 2, philosopher. |
pietas, -tatis, f. 3, loyalty, ^ff'- |
tion pietas erga patrem, ajfcc- |
tion tozvards his father. |
placed, 2, zvin approval', im- |
pers., placuit senatui legal os |
mitll, the senate resolved that |
spokesmen should be sent. |
plaudo, plauil, plausum, 3, |
clap. |
plausus, 4, applause. |
plebes or plebs, f. 3 and 5, |
common people. |
plerique, /Jiost. |
pluit, pluit, it rains. |
plurimus, j, in very i^reat num- |
ber. |
plus, n. 3, nom. and ace, more. |
poena, f. , punishment. |
polliceor, 2, promise. |
pontifex, -fici?, m. 3, high |
priest. |
populus, m. 2, people. |
porta, f. I, gate. |
porto, r, carry. |
posco, poposci, 3, ask', patrem |
claves poscit, asks his father |
for the keys. |
possum, potuT, be able. |
post, adv., aftcrzvards, behind) |
pre])., after, behind. |
postea, aftcrzvards. |
posterus, behind, later; com- |
parison — posterior, postremus ; |
pi. poster!, descendants. |