Haec pagina nondum emendata est
posthac, hereafter. |
postquam, conj., after, |
postulo, I , demand. |
potens, 3, powe)ftiL |
potius, rather. |
praebeo, 2, provide; fortem se |
)r:v&h!ii,showed hiifiself brave. |
praeditus, i, endowed. |
praefectus, m. 2, governor. |
praemitto, 3, send in advance. |
praeproperus, i , overhasty. |
praesens, -sentis, 2, present, |
helpful. |
praesidium, n. 2, garrison. |
praestans, 2, eminent, |
praesto, -stiti, -stitum, ^ fur- |
nish ; se fortem praestitit, |
showed himself brave ; fid em |
praestitit, made good his pro- |
mise ; (with dat.;, excel. |
praesto, near. |
praeter, prep., past, except. |
praetor, -toris, m. "x,, praetor. |
pravus, I, perverse. |
preces, f. pi. 3, prayers, |
precor, i , pray. |
premo, press!, pressum, -y^, press. |
pretium, n. 2, price, reward. |
■pTimnm, ^rstly. |
primus, J, first. |
princeps, -cipis, m. 3, chief. |
prior, comp. adj., i7i advance. |
privo, 1, rob. |
pro, prep, with abl., on behalf |
of |
probrosus, I, scandalous. |
probus, I, honest. |
procedo, 3, advance ; non bene |
procedit, things are not going |
xvell. |
prodeo, cotne forward. |
proditor, m. '>y,iraitor. |
profecto, asstiredly. |
profero, -tulT, -latum, bring for- |
ward, postpone. |
proficio, -feci, -fectum, -i vb., |
make progress. |
proficiscor, -fectus, 3, stat-t. |
prohibeo, 2, keep away, prevent. |
promitto, }y, promise; promlsit |
se ■x^ioxQ., promised to be there. |
prope, adv. and prep., near ; |
comparison — propius, pro- |
xime. |
propouo, 3, set forth. |
propositum, n. 2, resolution. |
protego, },, protect. |
protinus, at once. |
provincia, f. i , province. |
provoco, V. , challenge. |
proximus, , nearest. |
prucens, -dentis, 2, far-seeing. |
prudentia, f. 1 , forethought. |
pudet, puduit or puditum est, |
feci ashamed. |
pudor, pudoris, m. 3, sense of |
honour. |
puer, puerl, m. 2, boy. |
pugio, m. 3, dagger. |
pugna, f. I , battle. |
pugno, , fight. |
pulcher, ]^ulchra, i, beautiful. |
puto, I, think. |
TythaigOTenSjm. 2 , Pythagorean, |
i. e, vegetarian. |
quaero, quaesIvT, quaesltum, 3, |
ash ; quaesivit ex me quis |
essem, ashed me tvho I 7uas. |
quaeso, v. def., beg. |
qualis, 2, such as, as. |
qualis ? of %vhat sort ? |
quam, thaji, how. |
quamquam, although. |
quantus, i , as great as, as. |
quantus ? how great ? |
quare, wherefore I |
quartus, 1 , fotirth. |
quatenus, as far as. |
quattuor,yi?7^;-. |
-que, and ; -que . . . -que, both |
. . . and. |
quemadmodum, how. |
queo, be able. |
querceus, adj. i , of oakleaf. |
qui, quae, quod, zvho. |
quia, because. |