Haec pagina nondum emendata est
salvus, I, safe. |
sanguis, sanguinis, m. 3, hlood. |
sapiens, sapienlis, m. f. 3, ivise |
person, sage. |
sapientia, f. 1, tvisdom. |
satis, n. 3, nom. ncc. s. only, |
enougli ; also as adv. |
satisfacio, -i vb., satisfy (with |
dat.). |
saucius, I, tvottnded. |
scelus, sceleris, n. 3, crime. |
scio, no pf. or sup., 4, hno7V. |
Sclpio, -ionis, m. 3, Scipio. |
scribo, scrTpsT, scriptiim, 3, |
ivrite. |
£§ 0}- sese, self ox selves. |
secundus, i, favoiD-able ; ns |
numeral, second. |
sed, hut. |
sedeo, sedi, sessum, 2, sit. |
semel, once. |
semper, akvays. |
senator, 3, senator. |
senatus, m. 4, senate. |
sententia, f. 1 , decision. |
sentio, sensT, sensum, 4. feel, |
ascertain. |
sepelio, -pcllvl, -pultum, 4, |
bury. |
septingentesimus, 2, sarn- |
hundredth. |
sequor, pecutus, o^follo^v. |
sermo, -onis, m. 3, conversation, |
sewio,^, scj-ve ; voluptati servit, |
is the slave of pleasure. |
servitium, n. 2, slavery. |
servitiis, -tutis, f. 3, so-vice. |
servo, I, save. |
sex, six. |
si, if; si forte, on the chance |
that. |
sic, so. |
sicut, as. |
signum, n. 2, sign, signal. |
silentium, n. 2, silence. |
sileo, silui, 2, he silejtt. |
similis, 2, like ; comparison — |
similior, simillimus; similis |
fratris or{x~..x, like his brother. |
simul, at the same ti/ne. |
simulo, , pretend. |
sine, prep, with abl., ivithout. |
singuli, group numeral I, one |
by one. |
sino, no pf. or sup., 3, allo7i>, |
Einus, m. 4, lap, fold. |
socia, f. I, companion. |
Eolus, alone. |
solvo, solvT, solntum, 3, loosen, |
relax. |
somnio, T , dream. |
spectatus, r, esteemed. |
sperno, sprevi, spretum, 3, |
despise. |
spero, I, hope. |
spes, f. 5, hope. |
static, f. 3, soldier s post. |
statua, f. I, statue. |
statuo, statu!, statutum, 3, set |
7ip, determine. |
sto, stetl, I, stand. |
Stoici, m. pi. 2, Stoics. |
studeo, studuT, — , 2, study |
(with dat. |
stultitia, f. I, folly. |
stultus, x, foolish. |
suadeo, suasT, suasum, 2, per- |
suade ; pacem niihi suadebat, |
he urged peace on me. |
sub, prep, with ace., to ; prep. |
with abl., binder. |
subito, suddenly. |
submitto, 3, bend. |
subride6,-rTdI, -rlsum, 2, smile. |
subvenio, -veni, -ventum, 4, |
help; amlds subvenit, lielps |
his friends. |
succurro, -currl, -cursum, 3, |
run to help ; succurre patriae, |
come to your country s help. |
sufFragium, n. 2, vote. |
sura, am. |
summa, f. i, total; summa im- |
perl, supreme command. |
sumraus, 1, topmost^ last. See |
superus. |
siimo, sfimpsl, sumptum, 3, |
take up. |