Haec pagina nondum emendata est
supero, I, mrpass, cross over. |
supersum, remain over, sur- |
vive. |
supplex, -plicis, 3, suppliant. |
supra, adv. and prep., above. |
surgo, surrexT, surrectum, 3, |
arise. |
suscipio, -ccpT, -ceptum, -i vb., |
take up. |
sustineo, -tiniil, — , 2, support. |
suus, I, his oxvn, their own. |
Syracusae, f. pi. i, Syracuse. |
tabula, r, plate. |
taceo, 2, at) I silent. |
tacitus, , silent, sullen. |
talis, 2, such. |
taradiu, so long. |
tamen, o>i the other hand. |
tandem, at length. |
tantum, ojily. |
taiitus, I, so great. |
Tarpeius : rUipes Tarpeia, t'le |
Tarpcian- rock. |
Tarquiiiius, in. 2, 7'arquin. |
temere, thoughtlessly. |
tempestas, -talis, f. 3, season, |
stonn. |
templuin, n. 2, temple. |
tempus, temporis, n. 3, time. |
ter, iliree times. |
tergum, n. 2. hack. |
terra, f. i, earth. |
terreo, 2^ frighten. |
testis, m. f., -i noun, ivitncss. |
tester, I, call to tvitness. |
theatrum, n. 2, theatre. |
Tiberis, m., -i noun, Tiber. |
timeo, timuT, — , 2, fear. |
toloro, I, endure. |
tollo, sustull, sublatum, 3, lift. |
tot, so many. |
toties, so often. |
transno, 1 , sivim across. |
tres, 2, three. |
tribunus, m. 2, tribune. |
trux, 3, fierce. |
XVi,yon. |
tueor, tuitus, 2, ivatch, protect. |
turn, then. |
tumultus, m. 4, disturbance. |
turbo, 1 , throiu into confusion. |
liitus, 1, safe, |
tuus, your, yours. |
tyrannis, (ace. -ida), Greek |
noun, tyranny. |
ubi, Tjhcn, roherc. |
ulciscor, ultus, i,avenge, punish. |
ullus, any. |
ulterior, beyond; superlative — |
ultimus. |
ultro, of one s own accord. |
unquam, ever. |
una, together. |
undique, on all sides. |
Cm us, one. |
urbs, urbis, f. 3, city, |
usquam, anywhej-c. |
usque, the whole way. |
ut, conj. ; without change of |
mood, as, when ; with tlae |
subjunctive mood, in order |
that, so that, that. |
ut, particle of exclamation, |
how I |
utinam, particle of exclamation, |
used in wishes, |
iitor, usus, 3, use ; te amlco |
usus sum, I have found you a |
friend. |
utrum, particle of interrogation ; |
as in : utrum me an tc petit, |
does he xvant you or me ? |
uxor, uxoris, f. 3, zuifc. |
vaco, I, have leisure; amicTs |
vaco, / find time for my |
friends. |
valde, much. |
valeo, valuT, 2, be well; vale, |
farewell. |
valetudo, -dinis, f. 3, health. |
vates, m. f., -i noun, prophet, |
prophetess. |
vel, or; vel . . . vel, cither . . . |
or. |
vendo, -didi, -ditum, 3, sell. |