Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/114

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Animal est magnum. Vidēsne animal? I see a large animal. The animal has a small head. The girl has a pretty name. The boy’s name is Marcu8. Multa animālia capita magna habent. Many animals are small. Their heads are small too. The names of the girls are Julis and Cornelia. DICTATIONLESSON XX Is dux, bene armātus, est avunculus meus. Undique circumspectat, Acriter oppugnat, hostēs superat. Nūllōs inimīcōs habet. Multōs amicos habēre vidētur. Militēs semper salūtat et ā militibus salūtātur. Itaque eius militēs eum probant. Quamquam is populus ōlim erat fortis et sociī eōrum eōs iuvābant, nunc tamen oppida in ruinīs iacent. Cūr? Nōn audebant oppida hostium occu- pāre et agrōs vāstāre. Meus avunculus hunc populum nōn probat. DICTATION AND IMITATION--LESSON XX Perīculum ā puerō timētur; ab omnibus perīcula timentur. The horse is seen by the girl. The camp is being prepared by the soldiers. The spears are being carried by the leaders. The battle is being fought by our enemies and allies. A puerō amor, sedā sorōre amāris. I am being cared for by the doctor, but you are being cared for by your mother. You are being called by your father, but I am being called by his brother. A poētis amāmur, sed ab agricolis amāminī. We are being called by the teacher, but you are being carried in a boat by the sailor. You are being praised by the farmers, but we are being praised by our friends.