Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/126

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We departed from the battle, but you waged war bravely. You conquered your enemies, but we ran. We roused the citizens, but you terrified the foes. In fugam mē dedi, sed tū stetisti et pugnāvisti. When I decided to fight, you left me. I fortified the camp with the other soldiers. You lay in the grass and did not hurl a weapon. I could not run although I wanted to run. DICTATION--LESSON XXXVIII Barbarī undique convenīre coepērunt. Tergum vertere nōn ausus sum. Parāti erant mē occidere. Dux barbarōrum nōn aderat. Usque ad finēs sociōrum Iverat. "Quandō redībit?" Hoc mē rogāvĪ. Sērō ducem venien- tem vīdi. Nobilem eum putāvi. Ubi in cōnspectū huius ducis stetī, statim benignē mē accēpit. Amicus meus factus est. Deō grātiās ēgī quod nunc tūtus eram. DICTATION AND IMITATION-LESSON XXXVIII Nūntii ad hostēs missī sunt et pāx facta est. The town was captured when the walls were attacked. The soldiers were led to the bridge; there a scout was found. The war was waged a long time. At last the enemies were conquered. Nōs perterriti sumus, sed vōs fortiter pugnāre ausi estis. We were called together and ordered to attack. We were wounded, but did not die. You were sent to the allies. You were thought to be brave. Fortis visus sum. Clāmōribus virōrum mōtus es. I was warned by the general. Were you wounded? I was saved but you were thrown into chains. DICTATION--LESSON XXXIX In moenibus vigilēs dispositī sunt. Post prīmam vigiliam alit vigilēs his vigilibus succēdent. Quidam militēs secūrēs sūmpsērunt et ē castris prō-