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Haec pagina emendata et bis lecta est

tulērunt, cum illī hōrās multās pugnāssent cum hostibus, neque eōs in fugam dare potuissent.

Philip finds Allies

Dum[1] haec geruntur, Indī quīdam longinquī, quibus erat castellum maximum, armīs aliīsque rēbus Philippum iuvāre coepērunt. Quō[2] cōgnitō[3], colōnī, quamquam iam hiems erat, id castellum statim oppugnāre cōnstituērunt; nam putābant hanc quoque gentem prīmā[4] aestāte bellum gerere parāre, cōnsiliaque hostium ipsī[5] praeoccupāre volēbant.

Itaque viā[6] nivālī[7] cum exercitū validō profectī, per silvās ad castellum iter fēcērunt. Ibi ācerrimē est pugnātum[8], ac colōni multī interfectī sunt; castellum tamen expugnātum est, Indōrumque cōpiae omnēs ignī sunt cōnsūmptae: quibus rēbus factīs, colōnī vulnerātōs[9] sēcum ferentēs[10] domum lēniter sē recēpērunt.

Hōc dētrīmentō vehementer commōtī, Indī iam undique convēnērunt, oppidaque colōnōrum oppugnāre coepērunt singula[11]. Subitō veniēbant[12] in cōnspectum; tum, colōnīs occīsīs vīllīsque incēnsīs, celeriter in silvās sē recipiēbant, cum[13] interim mīlitēs, quī arma graviōra ferēbant, nūllō modō cōnsequī[14] poterant. Itaque diū colōnī miserī undique

  1. dum, etc.: cf. p. 7, l. 16.
  2. quō: neuter.
  3. cōgnitō: cf. the note on p. 17, l. 18.
  4. prīmā: the early, lit. the first (part of).
  5. ipsi: may be omitted in translation.
  6. viā: for syntax, cf. quā, p. 5, l. 13.
  7. nivālī: nivālis, -is, -e, snowy.
  8. ācerrimē est pugnatum: freely, a desperate battle was fought; lit. what?
  9. vulnerātōs: as noun, the wounded.
  10. ferentēs: nom. case.
  11. singula: modifying oppida.
  12. veniēbant: for the translation, cf. the note on rapiēbant, p. 7, l. 17.
  13. cum: while.
  14. cōnsequī: sc. eōs (i.e. Indōs).