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Pagina:A First Latin Reader.pdf/54

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Fuit in emendando quaedam difficultas

agricolae, quī ā pueritiā arma ferre solitī erant, undique statim convenērunt; Germānīsque magnō cum dētrīmentō ex illā prōvinciā discēdere coāctīs, imperātōrem ipsum mox acerrimē adortī sunt Americānī, quōrum in diēs cōpiae maiōrēs fiebant.

Quō proeliō victī hostēs, quī iam omnibus ex partibus obsidēbantur, in Canadam redīre prīmō frūstrā cōnātī, postrēmō Americānīs in dēditiōnem vēnērunt. Tum scīlicet colīnī omnēs ecfrēnātē gaudēbant, quod perīculum maximum effūgisse vidēbantur. Sed gerēbant bellum; cuius ēventus adhūc maximē dubius erat.

Valley Forge

Dum geruntur haec, de quibus modo Britanni Philadelphiam oppugnare parabant, quae urbs tum erat caput rei publicae Americānae. Unde Vasingtō, cuius cōpiae numerō erant multō īnferiōrēs, hostēs nūllō modō arcēre poterat; quārē senātus ad aliud oppidum sē recēpit, ac Philadelphia nullō dēfendente a Britannīs capta est.


hostēs acriter


4. 6.

in dies from day to day. omnibus ex partibus: on


all sides. 8.

Americanis: dat. case.


quod: conjunction. videbantur: sc. sibi,



they seemed to themselves] freely, they thought that they, etc.

gerebant: note the tense. maxime dubius: by the prefixing of maxime, an adj. (or adv.) is 11.

raised to the superlative degree. 12. haec neut. pi.

quae urbs what? 15. numero: 13.

the city which for



multo: (by) animo, p. 37, 1. 20. much. 16. senatus: Congress. 17. nullo: supplying the missdefendente ing abl. of nemd.



Philadelphiam). For the pres. part., being active in meaning, may take an object even when used, as here, in the (i.e.

abl. absol. construction.