Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/101

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Agricola est vir benignus.
Semper agricolae sunt benignī amīcīs.
Agricolae sunt benignī puellīs parvīs quoque.
Agricola nōn est clārus vir, sed est vir benignus.


Amāsne magistram?
Ita. Magistram amō.

Do you praise the girl? Yes. I praise the girl.
Do you like the poet? Yes. I like the poet.
Are you preparing dinner? Yes. I am preparing dinner.

Vidēsne agricolam?
Ita. Agricolam videō.

Do you have money? No. I do not have money.
Do you want dinner? Yes. I want dinner.

Māter mea fīliam amat.
My sister likes the teacher.

Pater meus puellam amat.
My brother praises the poet.

Casa agricolae est parva.

The sailor’s cottage is not pretty.
The poet’s fortune is not good.
The farmer’s fame is not great.
The windows of the cottage are open.

Casa puerī est nova.

The man’s cottage is big.
The boy’s sister is small.


Schola nostra est schola bona.
Ad scholam properāmus quod scholam amāmus.
In scholā nostrā linguam Latinam discimus.
Linguam Latinam discere cupimus.