Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/111

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DICTATION--LESSON XVI Prope hoc aedificium est locus spertus. Māne per viās huius loci viri currunt. Interdum carrī trāns locum veniunt et ante aedificium stant. Tum aliquis omnēs rēs manibus ex carrō in aedificium portat. Nunc arcūs nồn portāmus, alia tēla nōn portāmus, ubi in vils ambulā- mus, quod in vis est nūllum perīcuum et tūti sumus. Nunc nōn subitō arma capimus et fortiter pugnāmus. Nunc nōn semper pugnāmus, sed saepe ad casās amicōrum invītāmur. DICTATION AND IMITATION-LESSON XVI Aestāte ad silvam eō. In winter I go to the town. At night I go to the cottage. In summer at night I go to my tent. Cum patre ad oppidum puer it. The boy goes to the town with his mother. He goes to town with his brother. He goes to town with his sister. Puerī ad oppidum cum patribus eunt. The girls are going to town with their mothers. The girls are going to town with their brothers. Cum mātre ad oppidum Imus. We are going to the woods with our father. We are going to the water with our sisters. Ad aquam is, sed ad oppidum itis. You (a boy) are going to the town. You (a group of girls) are going to the woods. You (a group of soldiers) are going to war. You (a group of sailors) are going to other lands. DICTATION-LESSON XVII SI socii nostrī satis magnās cōpiās nōn habent et auxilium rogant, necesse est militēs nostrōs ire. Sociis auxilium dare dēbēmus. Finitimī mili-