Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/116

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DICTATION AND IMITATION--LESSON XXII Gladius huins inilitis est loigue; plum illius militis est longum. The shield of this enemy is big. That sailor’s daughter is pretty. This boy’s mother is kind. That girl’s father is a farmer. Tela hōrum hostium capiuntur. Tēla illōrum militum sunt in castris. Many of these soldiers are being killed. Many of those men are brave. The arms of those leaders are beautiful. The cottages of these farmers are small. Dux militibus hostēs mōnstrat. The soldier is showing the camp to the leaders. The soldiers are not giving aid to their enemies. The enemies are not giving weapons to the soldiers. Miles hīs ducibus cōnsilium mōnstrat. The leader is showing the river to these soldiers. This soldier is giving his sword to those soldiers. This boy is showing his gift to those men. DICTATION-LESSON XXIII Pauci dominī erant saevi et perfidi. Labor servōrum tamen erat dūrus. In agris labōrāre, lignum et aquam portāre necesse erat. Dominus imperā- bat; servī pārēbant. Si servus sē in fugam dedit, cēterī servi statim in silvās mittēbantur. Servus igitur statim reperiēbātur. Vīta servōrum nōn erat facilis. Hoc, pueri puellaeque, in animīs vestrīs tenēte. Hoc memoriā tenēte. DICTATION AND IMITATION- -LESSON XXIII Tectum ab hāc puellā et hōc servō cūrātur. Equi ab illā puellā et illō milite cūrantur. A plan is being made by this leader. Aid is being given by that man. The pictures are being showed by this sailor.