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Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/122

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Vōs capiēminī sī nōs audiēmur. We, however, will not be captured because we will be known. You will not be known. Therefore you will be thrown into chains. Ego fortis esse dicar quod tū reperiēris. I shall be sent to the camp of the enemy, but you will be sent to the You will be captured, but I shall not be captured. allies. DICTATION--LESSON XXXI Exercitus Rōmānus in multās legionēs dividēbātur. In legiōne erant circiter quattuor milia militum. Imperātor tōtum exercitum dūcēbat. Idem imperātor omnēs legiōnēs dūcbat. Sub imperātōre erant multi ducēs. Imperātor imperābat; reliqui ducēs pārēbant. Bonus imperātor exercitum in inīquum locum nōn dūcēbat. Bonus imperātor militēs castra in nive pōnere numquam iubēbat. Bonus imperātor semper vincēbat quod militēs eum bonum esse sciebant et fortiter pugnābant. Nēmō erat ignāvus sī ille dūcēbat. REVIEW-LESSON XXXI A man was sitting on the top of a hill. The birds were still silent for the sky was still dark. The man was thinking to himself: I shall soon hear the birds for the sky is now brighter. I shall move near the trees and I shall see them too. I shall be silent. The birds do not fear a man if he is silent and does not move. I shall not hurl a weapon and shall not hurt the birds in any way."" Soon the birds were seen in the trees and the man was able to hear them too. He was feeling great happiness. Now he is leaving the top of the hill. DICTATION- -LESSON XXXII Lēgātus erat dux legiōnis. Legio ipsa in partēs dīvidēbātur. Pars le- giōnis quae circiter centum militēs habēbat ā centuriōne dūcēbātur. Centuriōnēs semper fortissimi erant. Ōlim quidam centuriō ex castrīs sōlus sine comitibus prōcessit et cum milite hostium pugnāvit. Hic miles hostium graviter vulnerātus est, sed nōn interfectus est. Centuriō ubi in castra sua vēnit, ā comitibus suis corōnam excēpit, quod multam virtūtem ostenderat et hostem cīvitātis suae vicerat.