Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/127

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cessērunt. Nunc pontem caedunt. Ubi pōns frāctus est, in castra redibunt et secūrēs ad loca restituent. Intereā pauci militēs apud imperātōrem convēnērunt. Quod genus cōnsili apud hōs militēs capitur? Mox dē cōn- siliō cōnstituent et deinde hostēs ex hīs locis pellēmus. Hoc memoriā tenēte. Nōlite timēre.


enemy. out. neighboring camp. Dux nūntium ad hostēs miserat sed hostēs nōn responderant. The general had not neglected his duty and had overwhelmed the The kings had not ruled well, therefore the Romans had driven them The general had ordered the soldiers to march and they had gone to & Pācem fēcerāmus quod vōs castra nostra oppugnāverātis. You had departed because you had feared the enemy. We had conquered because we had fought bravely. Auxilium petiveram quod tū hoc necesse esse cōnstituerāās. You had divided your forces, but you had not come to the gates. I had seen the man, but I had not considered him dangerous.


Uter maiōrem honōrem habēre dēbet, latrō quī iniūriās ferēbat, deinde fugiēbat, an eques qui hostēs circumveniebat et prō rēge rēgnum servābat? Eques bonus numquam sē recēpit. Per ignēs et per gladiōs Ivit si hostēs pellere incēpit. Numquam ex hostibus exit nisi vīcerat.


Victus eram, sed multi hostēs interfectī erant. I had been hard pressed, but I had not been wounded. My friends had been wounded and had been driven from their position. The camp had been pitched on a hill. Urbs nostra mūnīta erat, sed nōs numerō hostium superāti erāmus.