Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/98

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Agricola in Americā habitat.
Agricola est incola Americae.

Nauta in Britanniā habitat.
Nauta est incola Britanniae.
Poēta est incola Italiae.

Nauta multās terrās videt.
Interdum nauta Americam videt.

Saepe nautās laudāmus.
Semper bonōs nautās laudāmus.
Vita nautae est perīculōsa quod aqua est periculōsa.

Hic vir est agricola.
Agricola magnam pecūniam nōn habet.
Poēta quoque magnam pecūniam nōn habet.

Agricola in agrō labōrat.
Poēta quoque labōrat, sed in agrō nōn labōrat.
Poēta scrībit.
Poēta scrībere cupit. In agrō labōrāre nōn cupit.

Amāmusne amīcōs?
Amīcōs meōs amō et laudō quoque.

To the Pupil: From this point on, following each dictation lesson, there will be a dictation-and-imitation lesson. These lessons in one or more sentences give you a pattern in Latin. Several sentences in English are then given, which you are to write as a Roman would write them in Latin. The first lessons will follow the pattern rather closely. In later lessons you are expected to remember and use what you have learned before, and to follow your pattern not slavishly, but wisely.


Puella est bona.
Puella non est parva.

The girl is big.
The girl is tall.
The girl is pretty.
The teacher also is good.