Cremutius Scaena III |
abl. | ablative. | gen. | genitive. | perf. | perfect. | |
acc. | accusative. | impers. | impersonal. | Pf- | perfect. | |
adj. adjective. | indecl. | indeclinable. | pl. | plural. | ||
adv. | adverb. | intrans | intransitive. | prep. | preposition. | |
comp. | comparative. | m. | masculine. | s. | singular. | |
conj. | conjunction. | mid. | middle. | sup. | supine. | |
dat. | dative. | n. | neuter. | superl. | superlative. | |
def. | defective. | nom. | nominative. | trans. | transitive. | |
f. | feminine. | num. | numeral. | vb. | verb. | |
fut. | future |
The numerals 1, 2, etc., denote the declension of nouns, the class of adjectives, and the conjugation of verbs respectively; but nouns and verbs with -i stems are marked as ‘-i nouns’ and ‘-i verbs’.
Where the supine form is represented by a rule (—), the supine stem is not in general use.
Prepositions take the accusative case, unless otherwise stated.
ā, | ah! |
ā (before consonants only), ab, | with vth.,fro>n ; with passives, by ; abs te, from you. |
abeo, | go azvay. |
abripio, -ripui, -reptum, -i vb., | pmll away. |
absens, 2, | absent. |
absum, am | absent. |
absurdus, i, | stupid. |
accedo, -cessT, -cessum, 3 | approach ; ad hostes accedit, approaches the enemy. |
accido, -cidi, 3 | happen. |
accipio, -cepi, -ceptum, -i vb. | receive. |
accusator, m. 3, | accuser. |
accuso, I, | accuse. |
ad, | to, near. |
adduco, 3, | lead up. |
adeo, | approach ; ducem adit, appi-oaches the general. |
adfero, attulT, adlatum, | bring up. |
adflcio, -feci, -fectum , -i vb. , | cover with ; illud me ira adfecit, that gave me a feeling of anger. |
adflrmo, i, | state plainly. |
adhuc, | till now. |
adimo, -emi, -emptum, 3, | take away ; mihi gladium ademit, took my s-vord from me. |
aditus, m. 4, | approach, access. |
adiuvo, -iuvl, -iutum, i, | help. |
adoro, i, 7vorsliip. | |
adsentior, 4, express agrcefnent. | |
adspieiOj-spexi, -spectum, 3, see. | |
adsum, atn present ; senatul | |
ndcrat, was present at the | |
se72ate. | |
adulescens, m.i. -y^youih, vtaid. | |
advenio, 4, arrive. | |
aedes, f. pi., -i noun, house. | |
aedifico, i, build. | |
aeneus, i, brazen. | |
aequo, i, make equal. | |
aetas, aetatis, f. 3, age. | |
aeterrms, i, e'ernal. | |
aevum, n. 2, ai^e. | |
affero — adfero. | |
afflcio = adficio. | |
affirmo = adfirmo. | |
agedum, covic now ! | |
agito, I, stir. | |
agmen, agminis, n. 3, eonpany. | |
ago, egl, actum, 3, do^ drive ; | |
quid agis, Jiow are you ? | |
aio, say, say yes. | |
albus, I, ivhiic. | |
alienus, i, bcIongi)ig to anolJicr. | |
aliquando, at last. | |
aliquis, aliquae or aliqua, sovie | |
one. | |
aliquot, many. | |
alius, other. | |
alo, aluT, 3, rear. | |
alter, altera, other (of two), | |
seeond. | |
ambo, both. | |
ambulo, i, take a walk. | |
amTca, f. ^ friend. | |
amicus, m. 2, friend. | |
amitto, 3, let go, lose. | |
amo, I, love. | |
amor, amoris, m, 3, love. | |
ilmoveo, 2, banish. | |
amplector, -plexus, 3, eifibracc. | |
amplexus, m. 4. embrace. | |
amplius, longer. | |
amplus, r, grand. | |
an, or? | |
anima, f. i, soul anima deficit, | |
faitits. | |
animus, m. 2, mind; pi., high | |
courage. | |
annalea, m. pi. -i noun, history. | |
annon, or not ? | |
annus, m. 2, year. | |
ante, adv. and prep., before. | |
antecedo, 2>, go before. | |
antepono, 3,/r^;'. | |
Antium,n. 2, Antiuin (a town). | |
appello, I, name ; ad Caesarem | |
appello, appeal to Caesar. | |
appeto, -petlvi, -petltum, 3, | |
aim at. | |
apud, prep., near, in the sight | |
of | |
ara, f. i , altar. | |
ardor, m. 3, keenness. | |
argentum, n. s. 2, silver. | |
arma, n. pi. 2, arms. | |
Asia, f. I, Asia. | |
aspicio — adspiciu. | |
at, but. | |
ater, atra, i, black. | |
at que, and; idem atquc, the | |
same as. | |
attendo, 3 ; animum attende, | |
give your attention. | |
attineo, -tinui, 2, reach to ; nihil | |
attinet ad me, it does not con- | |
cern me. | |
attingo, -tigl, 3, touch. | |
attoUo, no )L or sup., 3, lift up. | |
auctor, aucloris, m. 3, origina- | |
tor. | |
auctoritas, -tatis, f. 3, authority. | |
audeo, ausus, 2, dare. | |
audio, 4, hear. | |
aufero, abstull, abllitum, carry | |
off- | |
augeo, auxT, auctum, 2, make | |
larger, increase. | |
Augusta, f. I, 'the revered,' | |
title of Livia, wife of the em- | |
peror Augustus. | |
Augustus, m. 2, title of the | |
emperor. | |
aurevis, i, golden. | |
aut, or : aut . . . aut, either . . . | |
or. | |
auxiliuni, n. 2, help. | |
bellum, n. 2, iva7 | |
beno, well ; bene est, il is well. | |
beneficium, n. 2, benefit^ kind- | |
ness. | |
bejievolentia, f. , goodivill. | |
bed, I, bless. | |
bibo, bihy, potum, 3, drink. | |
bis, twice. | |
bonus. I, good; comparison — | |
melior, optimus. | |
cado, cecidi, casum, 2^, fall. | |
caecus, i, blind. | |
caedes, f., -i noun, slaughler. | |
eaedo, cecTdl, caesum, ?,, strike, | |
kill. | |
caelum, n. s. 2, heaven. | |
caerimonia, f. 1, ritual. | |
Caesar, Caesaris, m. 3, Caesar. | |
calamitas, -talis, f. 3, disaster. | |
candidatus, i, clad in white. | |
canis, rn. f., -i noun, dog. | |
cano, cecini, cantum, 3, slug. | |
capio, cepT, captum, -i vb., take. | |
captivua, i, captive. | |
cared, caruT, 2, be 7vithout caret | |
cibo, is without food. | |
carmen, carminis, n. 3, song. | |
car6,carnis, f. -i^, flesh. | |
cams, I, dear. | |
Cato, m. 3, Cato. | |
causa, f. I, caiise ; t^luriae causa, | |
for the sake of glory. | |
caved, cavi, cautum, 2, be^vare ', | |
cave canem, beware of the dog. | |
cedo, cessT, cessum, 3, yield; | |
cedit patria, withdraws from | |
his coztntry ; cedit hostibus, | |
is itiferior to the enemy. | |
cclebro, I, celebrate. | |
celo, I, conceal; patrem horam | |
celat, conceals the time from | |
] lis father. | |
cena, f. i , dinner. | |
ceno, I. dine. | |
censeo, censi, censum, v. 2, | |
think. | |
ccrtamen, cevtaminis, n. 3, | |
• struggle. | |
certe, certainly. | |
Cf3teri, pron., the rest. | |
cibus, m. 2yfood. | |
Cicero, Ciceronis, m. 3, Cicero. | |
cinis, cineris, m. 3, ashes. | |
circumdo, -dedl, -datum, sur- | |
round. | |
cito, quickly ; comparison — | |
citius, citissime. | |
c'vilis, adj. 2, of citizens. | |
civis, m. f. -i noun, citizen. | |
civitas, -talis, f. 3, citizenship, | |
city. | |
clamor, clamoris, m. 3, shout. | |
claudo, clausl, clausum, 3, shut. | |
Clemens, 2, vicrcifzd. | |
dementia, f. 1. mercy. | |
cognomen, -nominis, n. 3, title. | |
C0I6, colui, cultum, 3, cultivate, | |
honour. | |
comitor, i, accompany. | |
committo, }^,joi}i, entrust. | |
commoveo, 2, stir. | |
commimis, 2, common. | |
comprehendo, 3, seize. | |
concede, 3, yield, retire ; vTlam | |
victis conccdit, grants the | |
conquered their lives. | |
concipio, -ccpT, -ceptum, -i | |
h.,form. | |
Concordia, f. i, harmony. | |
condicio, -ionis, f. 3, terms. | |
conditio = condicio. | |
condo, -didi, -ditum, 3, build. | |
conficio, -feci, -fectum, -i vb., | |
complete, destroy. | |
conflo, I, kindle. | |
coufirmo, i, strengthen, assert. | |
confodio, -lodT, -lossum, -i vb., | |
stab. | |
coniungo, },,joiit. | |
coniiinx, coniugis, m. f. 3, | |
husband^ 7vife. | |
Conor, I, attempt, | |
conscribo, 3, enrol. | |
consentio, -scnsi, -sensum, 4, | |
a(:ree. | |
consequor, -seciitiis, 3, attain. | |
consero, -seruT, -sertum, "^yjoi)!. | |
considero, i, consider, | |
consilium, n. 2^ plan, | |
consocio, I, tinite. | |
consolor, i, comfort. | |
conspectus, 4, sight. | |
conspicio, -spexl, -spectum, -i | |
vb., see. | |
consto, no perf. or sup., i, he | |
consistent ; with abl., consist | |
of impers., constat eum | |
fugisse, it is consistently re- | |
ported that hejled. | |
consul, consulis, m. 3, consul. | |
consularis, 2, of consiilar rank. | |
consulatus, m. 4, offcc ofconstil. | |
consulo, -suluT, -sultum, 3, dis- | |
cuss, consult ; scnatum coii- | |
sule, ask advice of the senate ; | |
patriae cunsule, seek the good | |
of your country, | |
consultum, n. 2, resolution. | |
consCimo, 3, waste. | |
contemno, -tempsi, -temptum, | |
3, despise. | |
contra, adv. and prep., opposite. | |
contrarius, r, contrary. | |
contumax, 2 , rebellious. | |
conturbo, i, confuse. | |
cor, cordis, n. 3, heart. | |
coram, adv., openly ; prep, with | |
abl., in the presence of. | |
Coriolanus, 2, title of Marcius, | |
Corioli, m. pi. 2, Corioliia. Vol- | |
scian town). | |
corona, f. 1, garland. | |
corpus, corporis, n. 3, body. | |
corripio, -ripul, -replum, -i vb., | |
snatch up. | |
corrumpo, 3, corrupt. | |
cottidie, daily. | |
eras, to-morrow. | |
creditor, m. 3, creditor. | |
credo, -didi, -ditum, 3, believe; | |
mihi crede, believe me, | |
cresco, crevi, }^,gro%v. | |
crudelis, 3, cruel. | |
cruentua, i, IdoodUained | |
cum, conj., when, as, after. | |
cum, prep, with abl., zvith. | |
cupio, cuplvl or cupil, cupTtum, | |
-i vb., desire. | |
cur, IV hy ? | |
cura, f. I, care ; apes mihi curae | |
sunt, / take interest in bees. | |
curia, f. i , senate-house. | |
cviro, I, look after, concern one- | |
self | |
curro, cucurrl, cursum, 3, run, | |
custodio, ^, guard. | |
damno, I , condemn ; capitis dam- | |
natus est, he zuas condemned to | |
death . | |
de, prep, with abl., from, con- | |
cerning. | |
dea, f. , goddess. | |
debeo, debul, debitum, 3, 02ve. | |
decedo, 3, zvithdraw. | |
decerno, -crevi, -cretum, 3, de- | |
termine, decide. | |
decet, decuit, v. pers. (but in 3 | |
pers. sing, and plur. only) and | |
V. impers., becomes ; parvum | |
parva decent, a humble theme | |
suits a humble poet ; pueros | |
audire decet, it is becoming for | |
boys to listen, | |
decimus, 1, tenth. | |
dedecus, n. 3, dishonour. | |
dedo, -didl, -ditum, 2„give up, | |
defend©, -fendl, -fensum, 3, de- | |
fend. | |
defensor, m. 3, defender, | |
deiev6,-.,'iun, | |
bring as a tribute. | |
deficio, -feci, -fectum, -i vb., | |
fail', verba me deficiunt, tvords | |
fail 7ne, | |
dehinc, henceforth. | |
deicio, -iecl, -iectum, -i vb., | |
throw down. | |
delator, m. 3, informer. | |
delego, -legl, -Icctum, 3, choose. | |
deleo, -levl, -letuni, 2, destroy, | |
delibero, i, hold discussioti. | |
deuiqua, lastljf | |
depello, -pulf, -pulsum, 3, tJirust | |
aside. | |
descendo, -scendT, -scensum, 3, | |
climb do'ion, descend. | |
desidero, i, viiss ; valde tc dcsl- | |
derO, I feel your absence viiich. | |
desino, -siT, -situm, 3, cease. | |
desum.rtw lackin^i^; dcsunt inili- | |
tibus arma,///d? soldiers arc not | |
supplied with arms. | |
deterred, 2,frigJiten away. | |
detrimeutum, n. 2, harm. | |
deus, m. 2, s^od. | |
died, dTxI, dictum, 3, say. | |
dictator, -toris, m. 3, dictator. | |
dies, m. ^,day ; diem dlcere,yfjr | |
a day for trial. | |
dignitas, -tatis, f. 3, dignity. | |
dignor, i, deign. | |
dignus, 1, -worthy ; dignus ho- | |
noie, Tvorthy of the honour. | |
dilectus, I, beloved. | |
dilectus, m. 4, levy. | |
dimico, i, struggle. | |
disco, didicT, 3, learn. | |
discrimen, -minis, n. 3, danger. | |
dispute, I , discuss. | |
distribuo, -tribuT, -tributum, 3, | |
allot ^ distribute. | |
divinus, i , divine. | |
di vus, I , godlike. | |
do, dedl, datum, ^?V^. | |
doceo, docuT, doctum, 2, teach. | |
doctrina, f. i, learning. | |
dolor, doloris, m. 3, pain. | |
domus, f. 4, house. | |
doniim, n. 2, gift. | |
dormio, 4, sleep. | |
dum, ivhilst, until. | |
duo, num. adj., tivo. | |
duodecim, twelve. | |
diirus, i, hard, merciless. | |
dux, ducis, m. 3, leader. | |
e, ex, prep, with 7iA.,froin, out | |
ecce, particle of exclamation, | |
see ! | |
edo, edi, esum, eat. | |
edo, -didi, -ditum, ^^^^ put forth, | |
publish. | |
eflfero, extulT, elatum, carry out, | |
carry to burial. | |
effugio, -fugi, -i vb., escape. | |
egeo, eguT, 2, lack; cget i)ecriniac | |
or pecfinia, lacks money. | |
ego, /. | |
eho, halloa ! | |
eicio, -i vb., turn out. | |
61igo, -IcgT, -lectum, 3, choose. | |
eloqueutia, f. i , eloquence. | |
emeudatus, i, reformed. | |
emo, eml, emptum, 3, buy. | |
en, see / | |
enim,yi7;-. | |
enumero, i, count, | |
eo, go. | |
eo, adv., to that place. | |
equidem, (/) indeed. | |
erga, prep, with ace, totvards. | |
ergo, therefore. | |
eripio, -ripuT, -reptuni, -i vb., | |
snatch away. | |
erro, i, wander, err. | |
error, erruris, m. 3, mistake. | |
erubesco, -rubuT, — , 3, blush. | |
et, and; et . . . et, both . . . | |
and. | |
etiam, also, even. | |
etsi, although. | |
euge, hun-ah I | |
evad6,-vasi, -vasum, 3, escape. | |
exanimus, i , lifeless. | |
excedo, 3, depart, come to an end. | |
excello, -celhiT, — , 3, excel. | |
excido, -cidi, — , },, fall out. | |
excipio, -cepi, -ceptum, -i vb., | |
zvelcome, make exception of. | |
excito, 1, arouse. | |
excutio, -cussi,-cus5um, -i vb., | |
shake off. | |
exemplum, n. 2, model, prece- | |
dent. | |
exeo, exil, exitum, ^(C otd. | |
exerceo, 2, traiyi, exercise. | |
exercitus, m. 4, army. | |
exigo, -egl, -actum, 3, drive out ; | |
exegl O'pws, I have completed the | |
iask exigit a me argentum, demands nionty of me. | |
exiliura, n. 2, exile. | |
eximo, -emi, -emptuni, 3, take | |
aivay. | |
exitium, n. 2, desi ruction. | |
exopto, I, long for. , | |
exoro, 1, obtain by pruycrs. | |
experior, -pertus, 4, try. | |
expers, 2, without share iii. | |
expurgo, I, cleanse by fire. | |
exspectd, 1, await. | |
exterus, i, on the outside ; com- | |
])arison — exterior, extrcmus. | |
extra, adv. or prep., outside. | |
extremus. See exterus. | |
exulo, I, live in e.xile. | |
exuro, 3, burn up. | |
facetus, I , witty. | |
facies, f. ^,face. | |
facio, feci, factum, -i vb., do, | |
make. | |
factum, n. 2, deed. | |
fallo, fefelll, deceive ; hora nus | |
fefellit, we did not notice the | |
time. | |
fama, f. i, report, glory. | |
fames, f. 3 and ^fhu}iger. | |
famula, f. 1 , maid. | |
fas, n.indecl.noun, thing permis- | |
sible. | |
fateor, fassus, 2, declare, confess. | |
faustus, 1, lucky. | |
faveo, favi, fautum, 2, favour; | |
patriae favet, seeks his country's | |
good. | |
felicitas, -tatis, f. 3, happiness. | |
felix, -icis, 2, happy, | |
femina, f. 1, zvoman. | |
femur, femoris, n. 3, thigh. | |
feriae, f. pi. i, holiday. | |
ferio, no pf. or sup., 4, strike. | |
fero, bear, report. | |
ferox, ferocis, 2, bold. | |
ferus, I, wild. | |
fessus, I, tired. | |
festus, , festal. | |
fldelis, 2, faithful. | |
fides, f. I), faith. | |
filia, f. I, daughter. | |
filius, m. 2, son. | |
fingo, finxi, fictum, 3,/t'4'«. | |
finis, m., -i noun, //;////, end | |
pi. fines, territory. | |
fio, be j)iade, become. | |
firmo, I, strengthen., establish. | |
firmus, I, st7-cng. | |
flamma, f. , flame. | |
fleo, jlevi, fletum, 2, wecp | |
trans., weep for. | |
floccus, 2, lock of ivool; flocci | |
facio, consider xuorth a st>'aza. | |
focus, 2, hearth. | |
foris, f., -i noun, door. | |
foris, out of doors. | |
forma, f. 1, shape, beauty. | |
fortasse, perhaps. | |
forte, by cha)ice. | |
fortis, 2, strong, brave. | |
fortiter, bravely, | |
fortitiido, -dinis, f. 3, courage. | |
fortuna, f. i, chance. | |
frater, fralris, m. 3, brother. | |
frviruentum., n. 2, cor)i. | |
friistra, in vain. | |
fugio, fugl, fut. part, fugiturus, | |
-i h., flee from, flee. | |
fugitivus, m. 2, runaway. | |
furaius, m. 2, smoke. | |
fundo, fudi, fusum, 3, pour out, | |
scatter. | |
fiinus, funeris, n. 3, death. | |
gaudeo, gavlsus sum, 2, re- | |
joice. | |
gaudium, n. 2, joy. | |
gens, gentis, f., -i noun, people. | |
genu, n. 4, kjiee. | |
genus, generis, n. 3, race. | |
Germanus, m. 2, a German. | |
gero, gessi, gestum, 3, carr}', | |
wear; bellum gerit, carries | |
on war. | |
gigno, genuT, genitum, I, give | |
life to. | |
gladius, m. 2, sword. | |
gloria, f. , glory. | |
Graecus, adj. i, Greek. | |
Graecus, m. 2, (Z Greek. | |
gratia, f. i ^favour; pi., thanks; | |
gratias tibi ago, / tliank you ; | |
gratiis, y^r nothing. | |
gratulor, vh. mid. i, congratu- | |
late. | |
gratus, , pleasing, thankful. | |
gravis, 2, heavy. | |
graviter, heavily, seriously. | |
habeo, 2, have, hold hocbabct, | |
that's a hit ! | |
hem, oh I | |
hercule, l>y heaven ! | |
hie, haec, this. | |
hie, he7'e. | |
Hispania, f. i, Spain. | |
Hispanus, m. 2, a Spaniard. | |
hodie, to-day. | |
homo, hominis, m. f. 3, man. | |
honestus, i, honourable. | |
honor, honoris, m. 3, honour, | |
public office. | |
hora, f. I, hour. | |
hostis, m. f., -i noun, enemy. | |
hiic, hither. | |
hiimanitas, f. 3, kindness. | |
hiimanus, i, human, gentle. | |
iaeto, I, throw about ; seiactare, | |
boast. | |
iactiira, f. i, loss. | |
iara., soon, already; non iam, | |
no longer. | |
iamdiidum, this long zvhile. | |
ibi, thc)i, there. | |
idem, eadem, same. | |
idCis, f. pi. 4, Ides. | |
igitiir, therefore. | |
ignavus, i, cowardly. | |
ignis, m., -i noun,yf;v. | |
ignoseo, -novl, -notum, 3, for- | |
give; mihi ignosce, forgive | |
me. | |
ille, ilia, he, that. | |
imbuo, 3, dip. | |
imitor, i, imitate. | |
imminuo, 3, injure. | |
immo, nay / | |
immortalis, 2, immortal, | |
immotu.s, 1, unmoved. | |
impendo, -i)cndr, -pcnsunn, 3, | |
stake 2<pon. | |
iraperator, -toris, ru. 3, com- | |
mander. | |
imperium, n. 2, command. | |
impero, l, conunand ; im])erat | |
Gallis obsidcs, bids the Gauls | |
furnish hostages. | |
impetus, m. 4, onset. | |
impius, I, d-:jfiant. | |
imprimis, especially. | |
impriideus, -dentis, 2, not | |
knowing, imprudent. | |
in, with ace, to; with abl., in. | |
incendo, -ccndi, -censum, 3, | |
set 0)1 fire. | |
ineito, i, incite. | |
incolumis, 2, safe. | |
indico, i /point to. | |
indignus, i , u7iworthy ; morte | |
indignus, little deservingdcath. | |
indxico, 3, lead on. | |
inertia, f. i, helplessness. | |
infaustus, i, unlucky. | |
infero, intull, inlatiun, carry | |
against. | |
infestus, i, attacking, danger- | |
ous. | |
infirmus, I, weak. | |
ingenium, n. 2, talent. | |
inhaereo, 2, adhere to (with | |
dat.). | |
inimieus, m. 2, enemy. | |
inimieus, i, hostile. | |
innocens, -centis, 2, innocent. | |
inopia, f. i, scarcity. | |
inopinans, 2, not expectitig. | |
inquam, say. | |
insania, f. 1, madness. | |
insanio, 4, be mad. | |
insanus, i, mad. | |
inscribo, 3, engrave. | |
insons, 2, innocent. | |
inspicio, -i vb., exatnine. | |
instabilis, 2, unsteady, | |
insula, f. J, island. | |
insum, am in or on; lunae | |
ineraiit cornua, the moon | |
shozaed horns. | |
integer, Integra, I, whole. | |
intellego, -lexl, -lectum, 3, | |
understand. | |
inter, ivithin, amonqst. | |
interea, meanwhile. | |
interflcio, -feci, -fectum, -i vb., | |
kill. | |
interaum, am present at; proello | |
intererat, tooh part in the | |
battle. | |
Intro, I, enter. | |
intus, within. | |
invado, -vasT, -vasum, 3, attack. | |
invenio, -veni, -ventum, j^,Jind. | |
investigo, i, investigate. | |
invideo, envy ; cui invides ? | |
whom do you envy? | |
invidus, i, envious, Jealous. | |
invisus, i, disliked. | |
ipse, ipsa, self. | |
ira, f. I, anger. | |
irascor, Tratus, 3, grow angry ; | |
mihi Irasceris, you are getting | |
angry with me. | |
iratus, i, anj^ry. | |
irrumpo, 3, burst in. | |
is, ea, he, that. | |
iste, ista, that. | |
ita, so. | |
Italia, f. I, Italy. | |
iterum, a second time. | |
iubeo, iussi, iussum, 2, order. | |
iudieium, n. 2, judgment, court. | |
iudico, I, Judge. | |
luppiter, lovis, m. 3, Jove. | |
iuro, ifiratus, 1, swear, | |
ius, ifiris, n. "J^, Justice, right; | |
ius ago, dispute ; iure, rightly. | |
iustus, 1 ,Just. | |
iuvenilis, 2, youthful. | |
iuvonis, m. f., -i noun, youth, | |
maid. | |
labor, laboris, m. 3, work. | |
lacriraa, f. i, tear. | |
laerimo, 1, weej). | |
laedo, laesT, lacsum, 3, injure. | |
laetus, I , glad. | |
lana, f. i, 7vool. | |
laudo, I, praise. | |
legatus, m. 2, chief officer, | |
spokesman. | |
legio, Icgionis, f. 3, legion. | |
lego, legl, lectum, v. 3, pick out, | |
read. | |
lepidus, I, sociable. | |
lex, legis, f. 3, law. | |
libenter, gladly. | |
liber, librl, m. 2, book. | |
liber, libera, ,free pi. liberi, | |
m. 2, children. | |
Uhere, freely. | |
libertas, -tatis, f. 3, liberty. | |
licet, licuit or licilum est, it is | |
alloived. | |
lictor, m. 3, officer. | |
littera, f. i, letter; pi., letter, | |
epistle. | |
locus, m. 2, place. | |
longus, I, distant. | |
loquor, locutus, 3, talk ; mecum | |
locutus est, he spoke to me. | |
lucet, luxit, V. impers. 2, it | |
dazvns. | |
liidus, ni. 2, game, school. | |
luxuriosus, i, extravagant. | |
magis, rather. | |
magistratus, m. 4, magistrate. | |
magnopere, greatly. | |
magnus, , great; comparison — • | |
maior, maximus. | |
maiestas, -tatis, f. 3, dignity ; | |
lex maiestatis, law of treason. | |
maior, greater ; pi. niaiores, | |
ancestors. | |
male, ill; male est mihi, things | |
go ill with me. | |
maledictum, n. 2, curse. | |
jnalevolus, i, ill-7vishing. | |
malus, I, bad; comparison — | |
peior, pessimus. | |
mandatum, n. 2, message. | |
maneo, mansT, mansum, 2, re' | |
main : trans, await. | |
mansuetus, ,1 lame. | |
manus, f. 4, hand. | |
maritus, 2, husband. | |
Mars, Martis, m., -i Doun, Mars. | |
Martius, i , of Mars, or of March. | |
mater, matris, f. 3, viotlier, | |
materia, f. i, substance. | |
matrona, f. i. lady. | |
meditor, i, think over. | |
ruaxime, most greatly., especially. | |
maximus, greatest; quam ma- | |
ximus, the greatest possible. | |
See magnus. | |
melior, 3, better. | |
memini, retnember; memini | |
illlus noctis, / retnember that | |
flight. | |
mens, mentis, f., -i noun, mind. | |
mereor, 2, deserve. | |
meritum, n. 2, desert. | |
metuo, iTietuT, i^fear. | |
metus, m. j^^fcar. | |
meus, my. Voc. m. s. ml. | |
miles, mllitis, m. 3, soldier. | |
minae, f. pi. i , threats. | |
minime, very little, not at all. | |
minister, ministri, m. 2, servant. | |
minor, 3, s /nailer. See parvus. | |
minor, i, threaten; mihimortem | |
minatur, he threatens vie with | |
death . | |
miror, i, wonder, admire. | |
mirus, i, wonderful . | |
miser, misera, I, wretched; | |
comparison — miserior, miser- | |
rimus. | |
miseret, miseruit or miseritum | |
Qsi, pity. | |
misericordia, f. ,pity. | |
mitis, 2, gentle, soft. | |
mitto, misl, missum, 3, setid, let | |
go- | |
moderor, v. mid. i, control | |
(with dat.). | |
m.odo, adv., only. | |
modus, m. 2, measure. | |
moenia, n. pi., -i noun, ram- | |
parts. | |
molestus, i, troublesome. | |
momentum, n. 2, importance. | |
mons, montis,m.,-i woww. moun- | |
tain. | |
monumentum, n. 2, memorial. | |
morior, mortuus, fut. part, mori- | |
tOrus, 3, die. | |
moror, l, delay. | |
mors, mortis, f., -i noun, death. | |
raortalis, 2, mortal. | |
mortuus, i, dead. | |
mos, moris, m. 3, custom ; pL, | |
mores, character. | |
moved, movl, motum, 2, move | |
(trans.). | |
raox, soon. | |
muliebris, adj. 2, of a woman. | |
mulier, mulieris, f. 3, woman. | |
multum, much. | |
multus, ,7nuch; comparison — | |
plfis (neut. s.), plures (pi.), | |
plfirimus. | |
mundus, m. 2, universe. | |
miinio, .^.fortify, buildup, road). | |
murmur, murmuris, n. 3, roar. | |
murus, m. 2, wall. | |
musso, , mutter. | |
nam, for. | |
narro, i, tell. | |
nascor, natus, 3, am born ; | |
nate dea, goddess-born ! | |
natalis, m, -i noun, birthday. | |
natiira, f. i, fiature. | |
-ne, interrogative particle, | |
ne, conj,, /est ; ne . . . quidem, | |
7iot even. | |
nee 6, I, kill. | |
nefas, indecl. noun, wickedness | |
nefās est, it is forbidden. | |
neglegēns, 3, careless. | |
neglegō, -lēxī, -lēctum,3, negelect. | |
negō, 1, deny. | |
nēmō, nēminis, m. 3, no one. | |
neque, neither; neque . . . | |
neque, neither . . . nor. | |
nequidquam, in vain. | |
nescio, nescivi or nescil, 4, tioi | |
know. | |
nihil, n. 2, nothing. | |
nimium, u. 2, too niiuh also as adv. | |
nisi, unless. | |
nitor, nlsus or nixus, 3, rely on, | |
strive ; hasta w.'h, leaning on | |
his spear. | |
nolo, a7n umvilling. | |
nomen, nominis, n. 3, name. | |
nomino, i, 7iame. | |
non, tiot. | |
Nonae, f. pi. i , Agones. | |
nondum, not yet. | |
nonne ? not ? | |
nosco, no perf. or sup,, 3, learn ; | |
perfect novi, knozu. | |
noster, nostra, I, our. | |
notus, 1, knoivn, acquainted. | |
novi. See nosco. | |
novus, I, new. | |
nox, noctis, f., -i noun, night. | |
nubo, nilpsT, nuptum, 3 (with | |
dat.) ; wed. | |
nuUus, pronominal adj., no. | |
num, interrogative particle, | |
niimen, numinis, n. 3, divine | |
p07ver. | |
numquis, numquae or numqua, | |
as in ; numquis me sequi vult ? | |
surely no one -wishes to follozv | |
vie. | |
nunc, now. | |
nunquam, never. | |
nxintius, ni. 2, messenger. | |
nuper, lately. | |
nurus, f . 4j daughter-in-law. | |
6, oh ! | |
oil, prep, with ace, on account of. | |
obeo, meet ; mortem obiit, he | |
died. | |
oblivio, f. 2),forgei/uhiess. | |
obliviscor, oblltus, 3, forget ; | |
miseriae ohlltus, forgetting his | |
, piisery. | |
oboediens, 3, obedient. | |
oboedientia, f. i, obedience. | |
obsecro, i , entreat. | |
obsideo, -sedi,-sessum, 2, block- | |
ade., | |
obsto, no perf. or sup., , oppose, | |
obtempero, i, obey ; nemini ob- | |
temperavit, obeyed no one. | |
obtineo, -tinuT, — , 2, keep. | |
occido, occidi, occlsum, 3, slay, | |
oculus, m. 2, eye. | |
odi, hate fut. part, osi.rus. | |
odium, n, 2, ill feeling. | |
offendo, -fendl, -fensum,, 3, | |
cffend. | |
offensio, f. i, giving offence. | |
oflBlcium, n. 2, duty. | |
ohe, so ! | |
omen, ominis, n. 3, omen. | |
omnino, altogether. | |
omnis, 2, all. | |
onus, oneris. n. 3, burden. | |
opera, f. i , help, employment. | |
oppidanus, m. 2, townsman. | |
oppidura, n. 2, stronghold. | |
optime, best. | |
optimus, I , best. | |
opto, I, xuish. | |
opus, opcris, n. 3, 7O0rk ; opus | |
est, is necessary. | |
oratio, -ionis, f, 3, speech. | |
orbis, m., -i noun, circle ; orbis | |
ten arum, tlie world. | |
ordo, 6rdinis,m.3,£»;7/fr; ordine | |
or e.x ordine, in order. | |
orno, I, adorn. | |
oro, ,pray. | |
OS, ossis, n, 3, bone. | |
oitendo, -tend!, -tentum(?/' -ten- | |
sum, 3, display. | |
otium, n. 2, leisure. | |
paene, almost. | |
paenitet, paenituit, regret. | |
pallidus, ,pale. | |
par, par is, 2, equal. | |
paratus, i, ready. | |
pared, pepercT, (temperatum), 3, | |
spare ; urbl pepercit, spared the city. | |
parens, parentis, m. f, 3, parent. | |
pared, paruT,(obtemperatum), 2, | |
obey ; consul! pare, obey the consul. | |
pario, pepcri, partiui), -i vb., | |
ivin, give birtJi to. | |
paro, I, collect, preparCyWin. | |
pars, partis, f.,-i noim,/ar/; pi. | |
partes, a party ; partes agcrc, | |
to act a part. | |
Parthus, m. 2, a Parthian. | |
parvulus, 1 , little. | |
parvus, I, small; comparison — | |
minor, minimus. | |
pateo, i)atuT, 2, lie open. | |
pater, patri?, m. 7,, father. | |
patior,passus, -ivb., suffer ; non | |
paticir te abac, / ivill not let | |
you go. | |
patria, f. i, country. | |
patrius, i , of the country. | |
patruus, m. 2, uncle. | |
pauci, i,fezu. | |
paulum, n. 2, nom. ace. s. only, | |
a little. | |
pauper, pauperis, S,poor; super- | |
lative — iDauperrimus. | |
pax, pacis, f. 2, peace. No gen. | |
pi. | |
pecco, I , c/o wrong. | |
pectus, pectoris, n. 3, breast. | |
pecunia, f. 1, vioney. | |
peior, 3, worse. | |
pello, pepull, pulsum, 3, | |
drive. | |
pendeo, pependl^ 2, hang (in- | |
trans.). | |
per, prep, with ace, through. | |
percutio, -cussT, -cussum, -i vb., | |
strike. | |
perditus, i, dissolute. | |
perdo, -didi, -ditum, 3, destroy. | |
perdue 6, 3, d7-azu on. | |
per eo, perish. | |
perfero, pertull, perlatum, carry | |
through, endure. | |
perficio, -feci, -fectum, -i vb., | |
complete. | |
periculum, n. 2, danger. | |
peritus, i, experienced in (with | |
gen.). | |
perlongus, i, very long, | |
permitto, i, permit. | |
perl ego, -legi, -lectum, 3, real | |
through. | |
pertineo, -tinui, 2, pertain ; non | |
pertinet ad rem, lias nothing | |
to do zuith it. | |
pervenio, -veni, vcntum, 4, | |
arrive. | |
pes, pedis, m. l^foot. | |
pessimus, i , worst. See mains. | |
peto, petivl or petil, petltum, 3, | |
ask, attack ; petit a me queni | |
videi im, he asks me zvho it zvas | |
I saiv. | |
philosopher, , philosophise. | |
philoKophus, 2, philosopher. | |
pietas, -tatis, f. 3, loyalty, ^ff'- | |
tion pietas erga patrem, ajfcc- | |
tion tozvards his father. | |
placed, 2, zvin approval', im- | |
pers., placuit senatui legal os | |
mitll, the senate resolved that | |
spokesmen should be sent. | |
plaudo, plauil, plausum, 3, | |
clap. | |
plausus, 4, applause. | |
plebes or plebs, f. 3 and 5, | |
common people. | |
plerique, /Jiost. | |
pluit, pluit, it rains. | |
plurimus, j, in very i^reat num- | |
ber. | |
plus, n. 3, nom. and ace, more. | |
poena, f. , punishment. | |
polliceor, 2, promise. | |
pontifex, -fici?, m. 3, high | |
priest. | |
populus, m. 2, people. | |
porta, f. I, gate. | |
porto, r, carry. | |
posco, poposci, 3, ask', patrem | |
claves poscit, asks his father | |
for the keys. | |
possum, potuT, be able. | |
post, adv., aftcrzvards, behind) | |
pre])., after, behind. | |
postea, aftcrzvards. | |
posterus, behind, later; com- | |
parison — posterior, postremus ; | |
pi. poster!, descendants. | |
posthac, hereafter. | |
postquam, conj., after, | |
postulo, I , demand. | |
potens, 3, powe)ftiL | |
potius, rather. | |
praebeo, 2, provide; fortem se | |
)r:v&h!ii,showed hiifiself brave. | |
praeditus, i, endowed. | |
praefectus, m. 2, governor. | |
praemitto, 3, send in advance. | |
praeproperus, i , overhasty. | |
praesens, -sentis, 2, present, | |
helpful. | |
praesidium, n. 2, garrison. | |
praestans, 2, eminent, | |
praesto, -stiti, -stitum, ^ fur- | |
nish ; se fortem praestitit, | |
showed himself brave ; fid em | |
praestitit, made good his pro- | |
mise ; (with dat.;, excel. | |
praesto, near. | |
praeter, prep., past, except. | |
praetor, -toris, m. "x,, praetor. | |
pravus, I, perverse. | |
preces, f. pi. 3, prayers, | |
precor, i , pray. | |
premo, press!, pressum, -y^, press. | |
pretium, n. 2, price, reward. | |
■pTimnm, ^rstly. | |
primus, J, first. | |
princeps, -cipis, m. 3, chief. | |
prior, comp. adj., i7i advance. | |
privo, 1, rob. | |
pro, prep, with abl., on behalf | |
of | |
probrosus, I, scandalous. | |
probus, I, honest. | |
procedo, 3, advance ; non bene | |
procedit, things are not going | |
xvell. | |
prodeo, cotne forward. | |
proditor, m. '>y,iraitor. | |
profecto, asstiredly. | |
profero, -tulT, -latum, bring for- | |
ward, postpone. | |
proficio, -feci, -fectum, -i vb., | |
make progress. | |
proficiscor, -fectus, 3, stat-t. | |
prohibeo, 2, keep away, prevent. | |
promitto, }y, promise; promlsit | |
se ■x^ioxQ., promised to be there. | |
prope, adv. and prep., near ; | |
comparison — propius, pro- | |
xime. | |
propouo, 3, set forth. | |
propositum, n. 2, resolution. | |
protego, },, protect. | |
protinus, at once. | |
provincia, f. i , province. | |
provoco, V. , challenge. | |
proximus, , nearest. | |
prucens, -dentis, 2, far-seeing. | |
prudentia, f. 1 , forethought. | |
pudet, puduit or puditum est, | |
feci ashamed. | |
pudor, pudoris, m. 3, sense of | |
honour. | |
puer, puerl, m. 2, boy. | |
pugio, m. 3, dagger. | |
pugna, f. I , battle. | |
pugno, , fight. | |
pulcher, ]^ulchra, i, beautiful. | |
puto, I, think. | |
TythaigOTenSjm. 2 , Pythagorean, | |
i. e, vegetarian. | |
quaero, quaesIvT, quaesltum, 3, | |
ash ; quaesivit ex me quis | |
essem, ashed me tvho I 7uas. | |
quaeso, v. def., beg. | |
qualis, 2, such as, as. | |
qualis ? of %vhat sort ? | |
quam, thaji, how. | |
quamquam, although. | |
quantus, i , as great as, as. | |
quantus ? how great ? | |
quare, wherefore I | |
quartus, 1 , fotirth. | |
quatenus, as far as. | |
quattuor,yi?7^;-. | |
-que, and ; -que . . . -que, both | |
. . . and. | |
quemadmodum, how. | |
queo, be able. | |
querceus, adj. i , of oakleaf. | |
qui, quae, quod, zvho. | |
quia, because. | |
quicunque, quae-, quod-, ivlio- | |
eve7-, wliatei'cr. | |
quidam, quae-, quid-, a cerlaiii | |
one, a. | |
quidem, indeed. | |
quiesco, quicvl, quictum, 3, he- | |
come tinict^fall asleep. | |
quinquej^ftV. | |
quintus, ^ fifth. | |
-quis, -quae or -qua, -quid, any. | |
quis ? quae ? quid ? 'd>ho ? | |
quisqviam, quicquain or quid- | |
quam, any. | |
quisque,quacque,quidque, each. | |
quisquis, quidquid, ivJioever. | |
quivis,quaevTs, quodvIs£»r quid- | |
vis, -ivhoever yoii please. | |
quo, to ivhicli place. | |
quod, 171 that, because, | |
quondam, once. | |
quoque, also. | |
quorsus ? to what purpose ? | |
quot ? how many ? | |
quotiens ? hozu many times ? | |
rapid, rapuT, raptum, -i vb., | |
snatch, seize. | |
ratio, -ionis, f. 3, reason, plan; | |
philosophical system. | |
reciiso, 1, refuse, object. | |
reddo, -didi, -ditum, 3, restore. | |
rede 6, come back. | |
redono, 1, re-endow. | |
refero, rettulT, relatum, carry | |
back ; in the senate, introduce | |
a discussion ; gratiam referre, | |
show gratitude by act. | |
reficio, -feci, -fectum, -i vb., re- | |
pair, refit. | |
refugium, n. 2, refuge. | |
regnum, n. 2, sovereignty. | |
rego, rcxT, rectum, 3, rule. | |
reicio, reiecl, reiectum, -i vb , | |
reject. | |
relinquo, -llquT, -lictuni, 3, | |
leave behind. | |
reraissio, f. 3, remission. | |
repello, reppull, repulsum, 3, | |
drive back. | |
repcto, 3, seek agaiyt, ask again. | |
repreheiido, -liendl, -hcnsuin, | |
3, blame. | |
reprimo, -pressi, -pressum, v. | |
3, press back. | |
requies, f. 3 and 5, rest. | |
res, f. s^, property, event, thing. | |
resisto, restitl, 3, resist; dolorl | |
resiste, do not gi'oe in to pain. | |
respici6,-spexl, -spectum, -i )., | |
regard. | |
responded, -spondT, -spdnsum, | |
2, ans7uer; responde mihi, | |
anstuer me I | |
responsum, n. 2, answer. | |
res piiblica, f. I , cammonwcallh; | |
e re publica, for the good of | |
the stale. | |
restituo, -stitui, -slitnium, 3, | |
restore. | |
retineo, retinuT, retentum, 2, | |
hold back. | |
revertor, revert!, reversum, 3, | |
return. | |
rex, regis, m. 3, ki)ig. | |
ridiculus, l , absurd. | |
rogo, I, ask. | |
Koma, f. I , Rome. | |
Romanus, i, Roman. | |
Romanus, m. 2, a Roman. | |
Romulus, m. 2, Romulus. | |
rumor, m. 3, talk. | |
ruo, ruT, fut. part, ruiturus, 3, | |
rush forth. | |
riipes, f. -inoun, rock. | |
rursus, again. | |
sacer, sacra, i, sacred; n. pi. | |
sacra, sacred emblems. | |
sacerdos, -dotis, m. f. 3, priest^ | |
priestess. | |
sacrificium, n. 2, sacrifice. | |
sacrdsanctus, i, sacred. | |
saepe, often. | |
saevus, i, cruel. | |
saltem, at least. | |
salus, salutis, f. 3, safely, | |
saluto, I, greet. | |
salve, welcome ! | |
salvus, I, safe. | |
sanguis, sanguinis, m. 3, hlood. | |
sapiens, sapienlis, m. f. 3, ivise | |
person, sage. | |
sapientia, f. 1, tvisdom. | |
satis, n. 3, nom. ncc. s. only, | |
enougli ; also as adv. | |
satisfacio, -i vb., satisfy (with | |
dat.). | |
saucius, I, tvottnded. | |
scelus, sceleris, n. 3, crime. | |
scio, no pf. or sup., 4, hno7V. | |
Sclpio, -ionis, m. 3, Scipio. | |
scribo, scrTpsT, scriptiim, 3, | |
ivrite. | |
£§ 0}- sese, self ox selves. | |
secundus, i, favoiD-able ; ns | |
numeral, second. | |
sed, hut. | |
sedeo, sedi, sessum, 2, sit. | |
semel, once. | |
semper, akvays. | |
senator, 3, senator. | |
senatus, m. 4, senate. | |
sententia, f. 1 , decision. | |
sentio, sensT, sensum, 4. feel, | |
ascertain. | |
sepelio, -pcllvl, -pultum, 4, | |
bury. | |
septingentesimus, 2, sarn- | |
hundredth. | |
sequor, pecutus, o^follo^v. | |
sermo, -onis, m. 3, conversation, | |
sewio,^, scj-ve ; voluptati servit, | |
is the slave of pleasure. | |
servitium, n. 2, slavery. | |
servitiis, -tutis, f. 3, so-vice. | |
servo, I, save. | |
sex, six. | |
si, if; si forte, on the chance | |
that. | |
sic, so. | |
sicut, as. | |
signum, n. 2, sign, signal. | |
silentium, n. 2, silence. | |
sileo, silui, 2, he silejtt. | |
similis, 2, like ; comparison — | |
similior, simillimus; similis | |
fratris or{x~..x, like his brother. | |
simul, at the same ti/ne. | |
simulo, , pretend. | |
sine, prep, with abl., ivithout. | |
singuli, group numeral I, one | |
by one. | |
sino, no pf. or sup., 3, allo7i>, | |
Einus, m. 4, lap, fold. | |
socia, f. I, companion. | |
Eolus, alone. | |
solvo, solvT, solntum, 3, loosen, | |
relax. | |
somnio, T , dream. | |
spectatus, r, esteemed. | |
sperno, sprevi, spretum, 3, | |
despise. | |
spero, I, hope. | |
spes, f. 5, hope. | |
static, f. 3, soldier s post. | |
statua, f. I, statue. | |
statuo, statu!, statutum, 3, set | |
7ip, determine. | |
sto, stetl, I, stand. | |
Stoici, m. pi. 2, Stoics. | |
studeo, studuT, — , 2, study | |
(with dat. | |
stultitia, f. I, folly. | |
stultus, x, foolish. | |
suadeo, suasT, suasum, 2, per- | |
suade ; pacem niihi suadebat, | |
he urged peace on me. | |
sub, prep, with ace., to ; prep. | |
with abl., binder. | |
subito, suddenly. | |
submitto, 3, bend. | |
subride6,-rTdI, -rlsum, 2, smile. | |
subvenio, -veni, -ventum, 4, | |
help; amlds subvenit, lielps | |
his friends. | |
succurro, -currl, -cursum, 3, | |
run to help ; succurre patriae, | |
come to your country s help. | |
sufFragium, n. 2, vote. | |
sura, am. | |
summa, f. i, total; summa im- | |
perl, supreme command. | |
sumraus, 1, topmost^ last. See | |
superus. | |
siimo, sfimpsl, sumptum, 3, | |
- | supero, I, mrpass, cross over. |
supersum, remain over, sur- | |
vive. | |
supplex, -plicis, 3, suppliant. | |
supra, adv. and prep., above. | |
surgo, surrexT, surrectum, 3, | |
arise. | |
suscipio, -ccpT, -ceptum, -i vb., | |
take up. | |
sustineo, -tiniil, — , 2, support. | |
suus, I, his oxvn, their own. | |
Syracusae, f. pi. i, Syracuse. | |
tabula, r, plate. | |
taceo, 2, at) I silent. | |
tacitus, , silent, sullen. | |
talis, 2, such. | |
taradiu, so long. | |
tamen, o>i the other hand. | |
tandem, at length. | |
tantum, ojily. | |
taiitus, I, so great. | |
Tarpeius : rUipes Tarpeia, t'le | |
Tarpcian- rock. | |
Tarquiiiius, in. 2, 7'arquin. | |
temere, thoughtlessly. | |
tempestas, -talis, f. 3, season, | |
stonn. | |
templuin, n. 2, temple. | |
tempus, temporis, n. 3, time. | |
ter, iliree times. | |
tergum, n. 2. hack. | |
terra, f. i, earth. | |
terreo, 2^ frighten. | |
testis, m. f., -i noun, ivitncss. | |
tester, I, call to tvitness. | |
theatrum, n. 2, theatre. | |
Tiberis, m., -i noun, Tiber. | |
timeo, timuT, — , 2, fear. | |
toloro, I, endure. | |
tollo, sustull, sublatum, 3, lift. | |
tot, so many. | |
toties, so often. | |
transno, 1 , sivim across. | |
tres, 2, three. | |
tribunus, m. 2, tribune. | |
trux, 3, fierce. | |
XVi,yon. | |
tueor, tuitus, 2, ivatch, protect. | |
turn, then. | |
tumultus, m. 4, disturbance. | |
turbo, 1 , throiu into confusion. | |
liitus, 1, safe, | |
tuus, your, yours. | |
tyrannis, (ace. -ida), Greek | |
noun, tyranny. | |
ubi, Tjhcn, roherc. | |
ulciscor, ultus, i,avenge, punish. | |
ullus, any. | |
ulterior, beyond; superlative — | |
ultimus. | |
ultro, of one s own accord. | |
unquam, ever. | |
una, together. | |
undique, on all sides. | |
Cm us, one. | |
urbs, urbis, f. 3, city, | |
usquam, anywhej-c. | |
usque, the whole way. | |
ut, conj. ; without change of | |
mood, as, when ; with tlae | |
subjunctive mood, in order | |
that, so that, that. | |
ut, particle of exclamation, | |
how I | |
utinam, particle of exclamation, | |
used in wishes, | |
iitor, usus, 3, use ; te amlco | |
usus sum, I have found you a | |
friend. | |
utrum, particle of interrogation ; | |
as in : utrum me an tc petit, | |
does he xvant you or me ? | |
uxor, uxoris, f. 3, zuifc. | |
vaco, I, have leisure; amicTs | |
vaco, / find time for my | |
friends. | |
valde, much. | |
valeo, valuT, 2, be well; vale, | |
farewell. | |
valetudo, -dinis, f. 3, health. | |
vates, m. f., -i noun, prophet, | |
prophetess. | |
vel, or; vel . . . vel, cither . . . | |
or. | |
vendo, -didi, -ditum, 3, sell. | |
veneror, i, respect^ worship. | |
veuia, f. i , paj-don. | |
venio, veni, ventum, 4, come. | |
venter, ventris, m. 3, belly. | |
verber, verberis, n. 3, hlo-iV. | |
verbum, n. 2, word. | |
vereor, 2, fear. | |
vero, hut. | |
verto, verlT, versum, 3, iiirti | |
(trans, and intrans.). | |
verum, but. | |
verus, I, trtie. | |
vester, vestra, i , yotir, yours. | |
vestis, f., -i noun, garment. | |
vetus, veteris, 3, old; super- | |
lative — veterrimus. | |
via, f. I, road. | |
vicesimus, i, tzventieth. | |
vicinus, i, neighbotiring. | |
victor, -loris, m. 3, conqueror. | |
victoria, f. i, victory. | |
victrix, victrlcis, f. 3, victorious. | |
vidso, vidi, visum, 2, see | |
middle, videor, seem. | |
vigilo, I, ivatch. | |
viginti, indeclinable, twenty. | |
vincio, vTnxI, vinclum, 4, bind. | |
vinco, vici, victum, 3, cotiquer. | |
vmum, n. 2, wine. | |
vir, virT, m. 2, man, husband. | |
vires, f. pi., -i noun, strength ; | |
sing, vis, violence. | |
virilis, 2, of a man. | |
viriliter, in a manly way. | |
virtus, virtutis, f. 3, courage, | |
virtue. | |
vis. See vires. | |
vita, f. I , life. | |
vitium, n. 2, vice, weakness. | |
vivo, vIxT, victum, 3, live. | |
vix, scarcely. | |
voco, I, call. | |
vol 6, wish. | |
Volscens, adj. 3, of the Vol- | |
scians. | |
Volscus, m. I, a Volscian. | |
voluntas, -tatis, f. 3, inclina- | |
tioji. | |
vos, you. | |
votum, n. 3, vow. | |
vox, vocis, f. 3, voice. | |
vulgus, n. 2 and 3, common | |
people. | |
vulnus, vulneris, n. 3, bloiu, | |
wound. | |
vultus, m. 4, countenance. |