Pagina:Ad Alpes.djvu/264

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ambiguus, -a, -um, adj., ambiguous;! in ambiguố esse, be unsettled. ambō, -ae, -5, adj., both. ambulo, -āre, -āvi, -tum, intr., walk, promenade. āměns, -entis, adj., crazy, wild, naddeneu friend. emicu Āmitt, mittere, -misi, -missus, tr., lose. amnis, -is, m., river, stream. amō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, tr., love, cher- ish, like; amābō, (I) pray, please; part. as adj., amẫns, -antis, de- oving(ly); as noun, (to), m lover amoenus, -4, -um, adj., picturesque, charming, pleasant." amor, -bris, m., love. Āmoveō, -mověre, mōvi, -mōtus, tr., take away, remove. amphitheatrum, -i, n., amphithe- ater. amphora, -ae, f., jar. Rmplector, -plecti, -plerus sum, t. amplius, ad. further mere an, conj., whether. See utum (Ie (7 a direct questiom, an is often not to be translated.) Anchisēs, -&e, m., the falher of Aeneas. ancilla, -ae, f., maidservant. droclěs, -is, m., the hero of a lo Androgeōs, -ei, m., son of Minos. anguis, -is, m. and f, snake. angustiae, -ārum, f., narrow pass, narrowness. angustus, -&, -um, adj., narrow. animadvertō, -yertere, yerti, -ver- SUs Igat give attention to, make note of, observe, see. animus, -i, m., mind, frame of mind, attitude, judgment, attention, consciousness, courage. See ae- quus.

Anna, -ae, f., a Hebrew maid. annales, -ium, m., records, history. See ar annus, -i nte, prep, ih acc., before; in front of ante, adu., earlier, previously, be- fore. ante, adv., before, previqusly, earlier. Antiochus, m., king of Syria in the time of Hannibal. antiquitus, adu., in ancient times, n the olden time, in days of old nti ady. um nqs ntonius Primus, a general of Vespasian. Anulus, -i, m., ring. ānrius, -a, -um, adj., anxious, ner- vous, worried, fearful; disturbing. Anrur, -uris, n., a town of Laium. apage, interj., away with, take away; really, of ali things! aperiō, -ire, -ui, -tus, tr., open ; part. as adj., apertus, -a, -um, open; in apertō, in the open. perte, ad., openly. Apollo, -inis, m., the god of music. Apollonius Molo, Anānius. -i. Aponius Satur- m.. ninus, a Roman victimnized at an auction. anDĀreō, -re, -ui, -itūrus, intr. appear. appellō, -āre, -āvi -ātus, tr., ad- dress, accost, call, name. appellő, -pellere, -puli, -pulsus, tr., land, dock; pass., be driven, arrive. Appi Forum, -i, n., a town of Latium. Appius, -a, -um, adj., Appian, the designation of a famous road of southern Ialy. appropinquō, -ảre, -āvi, -itum, intr., draw near, approach, appear, come.