Pagina:Ad Alpes.djvu/266

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Augustus, , m., emperor 27 B.C. | -14 A.D. aura, -ae, f., breeze, air: favor olden. of ' ld lded: s noun, aureus, -i, m., gold piece. auris, -is, J., ear. aurum, -i, n., gold, gold plate. auspicium , n.; pl., auspices. aut, conj., or; aut. .. aut, either •.or. autem, conj., but, however, on the other hand, for (his) part, etc.; moreover, and. 3 ny help, aid, rečn- forcementa. avărus, -&, -um, adj., greedy Avernus, -i, m., a lake in Campania; the Lower World. āvertő, -vertere, -verti, -versus, tr., avert, turn away, turn (from), divert, call away. avidě, adv., greedily, eagerly avidus, -a, -um, adj., greedy, eager. avis, -is, f.. bird. avunculus, -i, m., uncle (on mother' side). B Babylōn, -ōnis, f., Babylon. Babylōnius, -a, -um, adj., Babylo- Bacchus, , m., the god of wine. Da , -ae, m., a river in northern Africa ballista, -ae, f., catapult. balneum, -5, n. (pl., balneae, -ārum, , bath. barba, -ae, f., beard. barbarus, -a, -um, adj., foreign, 8avage, barbarian; a8 noun, bar- barus, -i, m., a barbarian. beātus, -&, -um, adj., happy, blest. ātor, -ōris, m., warrior, fighter. bellum, -i, n., war. See sēdēs.

bellus, -a, -um, adj., bonny, charm- bēlua -ae, f., beast, monster, an- imal. bene, adv., well, luckily; (die) happy. Sup., optimē, excellently, well; as ezclam., good! excellent! nūntio. See Beneventum, -, ga Lot defeated in 76 RC yhus uas benigně, adv., generously, kindly. bēstia, -&e, f., beast, creature, animal, wild beast, wild animal, monster. bibō, bibere, bibi, tr. and intr., drink. Bithynia, -ae, J., a district in Asia Minor. blandē, adu., mildly, coaxingly, ersua h8bus. 8ee bōs. see Bonōnia, -ae, f., a town in northern Italu. bonus, -a, -um, adj., good, excellent ; sup. optimus, excellent; as oun, bonum, , n., asset; pl., goods, rtune. bōs, bovis, m. and f., ox, cow; pl., bracchium, -i, n., arm. breri, adu., shortly, soon. eewie i sbort Britanni, -ōrum, m., the Britons. Britannia. -ae, f. Britain. Brundisium, -i, n., an imporlant sea- port of southeast toly C., abbrev. of Gāius. cachinnus, -ī, m., shout of laughter; pl., laughter. cado, cadere, cecidi, casūrus, intr., fall, perish. caecus, -a, -um, adj, blind. caedės, -is, f., killing, slaughter, loss, loss of blood.