Pagina:Ad Alpes.djvu/268

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Catulus, -, m., Quintus Lutatius Catulu, colleague of Marius in the uahip Caudinus, see Furculae. Caudium, -i, n., a town in Samnium. caupō, -ōnis, m., innkeeper. caupo, O reason, cause, occasion; case, trial; abl., causa, for, as, for the sake (of), for the purpose (of). cavea, -ae, f., cage. caveo, cavěre, cāvi, cautus, tr. and indT., beware, take care, look cavě, cavěte, with subi.. don't. caverna, -4e, f., cAve. cavus, -&, -um, adj., hollow; as noun, cavum, i, n, hole, retreat. cedo, old imper., give. cēdō, -ere, cessi, cessum, intr., turn out; proceed, pass off ; shrink back, fall back, retreat. celeritās, -ātis, f., speed, swiftness, hurry. Dee suuet quickly, swiftly, hastily. at once Celsus, -i, m., Marcus Celsus, friend of Cornelius. cěna, -ae, f., dinner, feast. cēnō, -ảre, -āvi, -ātus, intr., dine, take dinner; part., cēnātus, -a -um, having dined. cěnseō, censěre, censui, census, tr., judge, guess, think; advise, contum indecl. num., one hundred centuriō, -ōnis, m., centurion. cernō, cernere, crēvi, crētus, tr., sce, notice, make out. certămen, -inis, n., contest, game, match, test, fight. See děscendo. certě, ado., surely, certainly. certō, adv., for certain, (know) well. certus, -&, -um, dj., certain, sure, assured, definite, stated, fixed; clear; certum (neut.) esse, with

ined ertiir dal., bedeternaedceo acere, inform; prō certō, for cer- tain cerviz, -icis, f., neck. cēterus, -4, -um, adj, the rest of; pl., the other, other; as noun, cēteri, -ōrum, m., the others, others, the rest of, the other -ontis. m., the ferryman in Ch the Lover World. charta, -ae, f., sheet, page. Christiānus, -i, m., a Christian. Christ. Christus, -i, m., cibus, -i, m., food. Cicerō, -ōnis, m., Marcus Tullius Cicero, consul in 63 B.C. Cimbri, -ōrum, m., a people of northern Germany. cinis, -eris, m., ashes circiter, adv., about. circuitus, -űs, m., detour; circum- erence -đare, -dedi, -đatus, tr., ere d sirdle, circumspiciō, spicere, -speri, -spectus, tr. and intr.. look around; survey, scan, view. circumsto, -stāre, -steti, tr. and intT., gather round, stand about. circumveniō, -venire, -vễni, -ven- tus, tr., hem in, encircle; cheat. citrō, adv., 8ee ultrỏ. citus, -&, -um, adj., swift, fast. civis, -is, m. and f., citizen; pl, civităs, -ātis, f, state, country. clāděs, -is, f., disaster, defeat, ruin, Jos8. lo88 of life. clam, adu., secretly, stealthily, un- detected, unobserved. clāmō, -āre, -ăvi, -ātum, intr., ery, cry out, shout, scream clāmor, -ōris, m., shout, cry, outery. clārē, adv., loudly, in a loud voice, in an audible voice.