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Pagina:Annales monastici Vol IV.djvu/694

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28 Documents Illustrative of English History in the 13th and 14th centuries, selected from the Records of the Department of the Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. Edited by IIknry Cole, Esq. I vol. fcp. folio (1844), cloth. Price 45*. 6d. Modus Tenendi Parliamentum. An Ancient Treatise on the Mode of holding the Parliament in England. Edited by Thomas Duffus Hardy, Esq. 1 vol. 8vo. (1846), cloth. Price 2s. 6d. Monumenta Historica Britannioa, or. Materials for the History of Britain from the earliest period. Vol. 1, extending to the Norman Con- quest. Prepared, and illustrated with Notes, by the late Henry Petrie, Esq., F.S.A., Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London, assisted by the Rev. John Sharpe, Rector of Castle Eaton, "Wilts. Finally completed for publication, and with an Introduction, by Thomas DuFFUS Hardy, Esq., Assistant Keeper of Records. (Printed by com- mand of Her Majesty.) Folio (1848). Price 42s. Registruji Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum in Archivis Publicis asser- vatum. 1306 — 1424. Edited by Tiio^ixs Tuo:iiso^J, Bsq. Folio (1814). Price 15s. The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. 11 vols, folio (1814 — 1844). Vol. I. Edited by Thomas Thomson and Cosmo Innes, Esqrs. Price 42s. Also, Vols. 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 ; price lOs. 6d. each. The Acts of the Lords Auditors of Causes and Complaints (Acta DoMiNORUM Auditorum). 1466 — 1494. Editedby Thomas Thomson, Esq. Folio (1839). Price 10«. 6rf. The Acts of the Lords of Council in Civil Causes (Acta Dominorum CoNCiLii). 1478 — 1495. Edited by Thomas Thomson, Esq. Folio (1839). Price Qs.M. Issue Roll of Thomas de Brantingham, Bishop of Exeter, Lord High Treasurer of England, containing Payments out of His Majesty's Revenue, 44 Edward III., 1370. Edited by Frederick Devon, Esq. 1 vol. 4to. (1835), cloth. Price 35s. Or, royal 8vo. cloth. Price 2os. Issues of the Exchequer, containing similar matter to the above ; James I. ; extracted from the Pell Records. Edited by Frederick Devon, Esq. 1 vol. 4to. (1836), cloth. Price 30«. Or, royal 8vo. cloth. Price 2s. Issues of the Exchequer, containing similar matter to the above ; Henry III. — Henry VI. ; extracted from the Pell Records. Edited by Frederick Devon, Esq. 1 vol. 4to. (1837), cloth. Price 40*. Or, royal 8vo. cloth. Price 30*. Handbook to the Public Records. By F. S. Thomas, Esq., Secretary of the Public Record Office. 1 vol. royal 8vo. (1853), cloth. Price 12s. Historical Notes relative to the History of England ; from the Accession of Henry VIII. to the Death of Queen Anne (1509 — 1714). Designed as a Book of instant Reference for ascertaining the Dates of Events mentioned in History and Manuscripts. The Name of every Person and Event mentioned in History within the above period is