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Pagina:Annales monastici Vol IV.djvu/81

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ANNALS OF WORCESTER. Ixxiii A.D. Page 1 253. Mills of Miilderham, Wolverley, and Broadwas let on lease ------ 442 ,, Leases of Shipstou, Cleeve, Fepsinton fall in - 442 ,, Symon de Walton presented to Stoke - - 442 ,, Confederation with the convents of Wenlock and Abingdon -...-. 442 ,, Meadow land bought of W. de Schirnake - - 442 ., Harvington manor leased to Symon de Walton, partly for a debt to him and partly to paj- off the Caurcines 442 1254. Debt to Sampson of Bromsgrove paid - - 442 1255. Sedgeberrow church given to the prior's nephew - 443 Justices itinerant at Worcester - - - 44,3 Site confirmed to the nuns of Whiston (Worcester) - 443 Legacy of archbishop W. de G-rey - - - 443 Payment of taxes to the king - - - - 443 Confederation with Peterborough - - - 443 Payments for warren ----- 443 The right to two virgates at Canterton made good before the justices ----- 443 1256. Hugh de Cantelupe installed archdeacon of Glou- cester by the prior ----- 443 „ Custody of the priory woods within the forests of Feckenham and Kenfare obtained from the king - 443 „ Presentation to Wolverley - - - . 443 ,, Payment to A. de Savoy for taxes - - . 443 ,, Presentation to S. Andrew's Worcester - - 444 ,, Land at Broadwas and Canterton bought - - 444 1257. Stoke church given to M. de Cantelupe - - 444 ,, Payment to A. de Savoy - - _ . 444 , , The plea of vetitum namium recovered by the bishop, and the quarrel with W. de Beauchamp settled - 445 1258. Settlement of the boundaries of Nortoii and Alve- church manors - - - - . 445 ,, Payment to the nuncio Herlot . - - 445 ,, Arrangement with Reading abbey and R. de Wasse- burne respecting Teddington - - - 445 ,, Land of A. de Oncredam at Broadwas let for a mark 445 1259. Leases of Hallow and Grimley fall in - - 445 „ Land and tenements of W. de Credyntone fall in - 446 1260. Visitation of the archbishop - - . . 446 „ Land at Netherton bought - . - . 44.Q „ Death of prior Thomas. Vviov Ricluird de Bumheltone 446 ,, During the vacancy the custody of the priory re- mains in the hands of the subprior and cellarer - 446 „ Presentation to Stoke and Himbleton - - 446