Ixxxiv LIST OF DOCUMENTS. Annals of Osney. A.D. Page 1255. Letter of Alexander IV. to the abbat and convent of Osney, respecting a debt due to the merchants of Sieima ------ 107 1256. Letters patent of Henry III., allowing the above payment to go towards the king's tenth - - 112 1277. Terms of the peace between Llewellyn and Edward I. (French) 272 Annals of Worcester. 1273. Articles of inquiry brought by the papal nuncios - 463 1282. Sentence of archbishop Pcccham against the exempti who refuse to attend the council of Lambeth - 481 1291. Submission of the claimants of the crown of Scot- land to Edward I. - - - - - 607 1292. Homage of Baliol to Edward I. at Newcastle - 511 1296. Extract from the bull Glericis laicos - - - 628 , , Writ to the sheriff of Worcester to seize the property of the clergy ------ 530 ,, Edict against the clergy - . . - 530 1297. Letter of Boniface VIII. to the French clergy - 631 ,, Answer of the countj^ to the demand for a tax - 634 ,, Letter of prince Edward respecting Aquitaine and Flanders ------ 534 ,, Declaration respecting the taxing of the clergy - 535 1298. Arbitration of Boniface VIII. between Edward I. and Philip IV. 538 1300. Commission of bishop Godfrey Giffard to his official, Robert of Gloucester, and to Nicholas of Norton, the sacrist, to visit the prior and chapter - - 546
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