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Pagina:Annales monastici Vol IV.djvu/95

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Haec pagina nondum emendata est

ERRATA. Page 53, note 3, for Roger read William. ,, 239, Wykes, 1. 1 , kal. Deccmhris. So the MS. ; xvi. should evidently be inserted before kal. „ 261, note 2, for Thomas de Fortibus read William de Fortibus. „ 347, 1. 32, margin, for Edward read Edmund. „ 359, 1. 15, for Dimianus read Duvianus. „ 364, 1. 16, for Edvam read Eduam, i.e., ^duam (Autun). „ 379, 1. 9, for CXLii. read mcxlii. „ 403, note 3, for John read Reginald de Dammartin. Pages 424, 539, margin, for Haijles read Hales {i.e. Hales Owen in Shrop- shire). „ 430, 446, 447, margin, for Himbledon read Himhleton. Page 477, note 3, for denarios read denarius. „ 502, 1. 28, for Redberne read Redberue {i.e. Rodborough). „ 504, 1. 25, for episcopo read episcopi. A table of errata for all the four volumes ■will be found at the end of the index volume.