BY THE SAME AUTHOR. FORUM LATINUM : a First Latin Book, containing a full treatment of the vocabulary, grammar and metre for the first two years of the School course, with numerous ex- ercises and readings. In three parts, is. ^d. each, or com- plete in one volume, 3,?. 6d. (J. M. Dent & Co.) AENEAE FACTA ET FATA : a simplified version of the earlier books of Virgil's Acneid^ for the use of beginners. With numerous exercises, illustrations, analyses and conver- sations. Price 2S. (J. AT. Dent S: Co.) By the Author, jointly with Professor R. S. CONWAY, Litt.D. THE RESTORED PRONUNCIATION OF GREEK AND LATIN, with tables and practical illustrations. Third and revised edition (embodying the scheme approved for Latin by the Classical Association). Price is. (^Cambridge Uni- versity Press.)
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