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Pagina:Dialogues of Roman Life.djvu/146

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Haec pagina emendata et bis lecta est

redūco, -ere, -duxi, -ductum, v. a., bring back, draw back.

refero, -ferre, rettuli, relātum, v. a., bring back, bring in.

rēfert, v. impers. n., with gen., or abl. sing. f. of poss. pron., it concerns.

reformo, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, v. a., shape again, reform.

refugio, -ere, -fūgi, -fugitum, v. a., shun, shrink from.

rēgia, -ae, f., palace.

regio, -ōnis, f., district, direction.

rēgius, -a, -um, adj., royal.

regno, -ārē, -āvi, -ātum, v. n., reign.

regnum, -i, n., kingdom.

regredior, -i, regressus sum, v. n., return.

relaxo, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, v. a., relax.

religiōsus, -a, -um, adj., God-fearing.

relinquo, -ere, relīqui, -ctum, v. a., leave.

reliquus, -a, -um, adj., remaining.

remitto, -ere, remīsi, remissum, v. a., send back, give up.

rēmus, -i, m., oar.

reparo, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, v. a., recover.

repente, adv., suddenly.

reperio, -īre, repperi, repertum, v. a., find.

repeto, -ere, -īvi or -ii, -itum, v. a., seek again, recover.

reporto, -ārē, -āvi, -ātum, v. a., carry off, win.

repulsa, -ae, f., defeat.

reputo, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, v. a., think over, consider.

requiesco, -ere, requiēvi, -ētum, v. n., rest.

rēs, rei, f., thing, matter, circumstance; respublica, state.

reservo, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, v. a., keep, reserve.

resideo, -ēre, -sēdi, -sessum, v. n., sit down.

resisto, -ere, -stiti, v. n., with dat., resist.

respicio, -ere, -spexi, -spectum, v. a., consider, regard.

respondeo, -ēre, -di, -sum, v. a., answer.

responso, -āre, v. freq., answer back.

resto, -āre, restiti, no sup., v. n., remain.

retineo, -ēre, -ui, retentum, v. a., hold back.

retro, adv., backwards.

revenio, -īre, revēni, -tum, v. n., return.

revīso, -ere, -i, no sup., v. a., come again to, revisit.

rex, rēgis, m., king.

rīeīnium, -ii, n., veil.

rīdeo, -ēre, rīsi, rīsum, v. n., laugh.

rīdiculōsus, -a, -um, adj., ridiculous.

rīdiculus, -a, -um, adj., absurd.

rixa, -ae, f., brawl.

rogo, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, v. a., ask.

Rōmānus, -a, -um, adj., Roman.

rota, -ae, f., wheel.

roto, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, v. a., whirl round.

rubeo, -ēre, -ui, no sup., v. n., redden, blush.

rūmor, -ōris, m., report.

ruo, -ere, -i, -tum, v. n., sink, fall.

rursus, rursum, adv., again, back.

rūs, rūris, n., country.

russātus, -a, -um, adj., clad in red.

rusticus, -a, -um, adj., of the country.