Pagina:Easy Latin Stories.djvu/142

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Haec pagina nondum emendata est

130 EASY LATIN STORIES. [fil-hor iilius, i or ii, m.f a ton. finis, is, m., an end, boundary, finitimus, a, nm, a/Si^., bordering on, neighbouring, fio, factus sum, fieri, v. 8, dep., to become, firmus, a. um, adj., stad^ast, immovable. flagito, y. 1, freq., to ask qften, fiagellum^ i, n., a whip, flagrum, i, n, a whip. flamma, ae, f., flame, Jlre, floreo, ui, v. 2, to bloom, flourish. flumen, iiiis, n., a river. fluo, zi, xum, V. 3, to flow, fluTius, ii, m., a river. fodio, fodi, fossum, v. 3, to dig, foedus, eris, n., a treaty. for, fatus, y. 1, dep., to speak, fores, um, f., a door. forma, ae, f., shape, beauty, formica, ae, f., an ant. formosus, a, um, adj., beauti/uL forte, adv., by chance. forti<<, e. adj., stronq, brave, fortiter, adv., bravely. fortitudo, inis, f., covrage, fortuna, ae, t., fortune. forum, i, n., a marketplace, fossa, ae, f., a ditch. fragor, oris, m., a crash. frango, fregi, fractum, v. 3, to break, f rater, tris, m., a brother. frenum, i,n., a bit, reins. fnictus, us, m., produce, fruU, frumentum, i, n., com. fruor, fructuB and fruitus, v. 8, dep., to enjoy. frustra, adv., in vain. frustro, v. 1, to disappoint, frustum, i, n., a morsel. fruticefcum, i, n., a shrubbery, fuga, ae, i., flight. fugio, fugi, fugitum, v. 3, to fly, escape. fugo, v. I, topnU to fight. fulmen, inis, n., a thunderbolt, fumus, i, m.. smoke. funalis, e, a4j., attached to a cord. fundo, fndi. fusum, v. 3, to pour, de- feat, shea. fungor, functus, v. 8, dep., to perform/ fato fungi, to meet ones end. funis, is, m., a rope. funus, eris, n., a funeral, death, fur, furis, c, a thi^. fnro, ui, y. 3, to be mad, to rage, furor, oris, m., madness, QaMdeo, gavisns, v. 2, dep., to rqfoice. iremellus, a, um, adj., tvnn. UxB, us, m.,a groaning. gemo, ui, itnm, v. 3, to groan, gena, ae,f., the cheek. gener, eri, m., a son-inlaw. generatio, onis, f., agenenttion, gens, gentis, f., a race, genu, us, n., a knee. genus, eris, n., descent, race, gero, gessi, gestum, v. 3, to carry on, gesticulor, v. 1, dep., to act in parUo* mtme, gesto, V. 1, freq., to carry, wear, gigas, antis, m., a giant, gladius, ii, m., a sword. gloria, ae, f., renoton, glory, gnarus, a, um, adj., skilled, gradior, gressus, v. 3, dep., to go, grandis, e, adj., large ; g. natu, old, granum, 1, n., a grain, seed. grassor, v. 1, dep.*, to go about, to rage. gratificor, y. 1, aep., to please, gratia, ae, f., gratitude, gratis, adv., ^^ nothing. gravis, e, a^j., heavy, unpleasant. graviter, heavily; g. ferre, to be angry. grus, gruis, c, a crane. gryps, grjphis, m., a griffin. gymnasium, ii, n., a gymnoMum, school, gymnasticus, a, um, a4j., gymnastic, Habeo, ui, itum, v. 2, to have, hold. habito, v. 1, to inhabit, habitus, us, m., appearance, dress. hactenns, adv., so far, haereo, haesi, haesum, y. 2, to stick, hamus, i, m., a hook. haruspez, icis, m., a soothsayer. hasta, ae, f., a spear, hand, adv., not. haurio^ hausi, haustum, t. 4, to draw, dram, heros, bis, m., a hero., m., an opening. hibemus, a, um, a^j., wintry, hie, adv., here, hie, haec, hoc, pron., this, hicce, haecce, hocce, pron., ihiSm hiems, emis, f., the winter, Hilota, ae, m., a Helot, hinc, adv., hence, hio, V. 1, to gape. hippopotamus, i, the hippopotamus. hiinido, inis, f., a leech. hodie, adv., to-day. homo, inis, c, a human being. honestus, a, um, adj., honottrable, honor, oris, m., glory, respect, honoro, v. 1, to pay respect to, hora, ae, f., an hour. horror, oris, m., terror.