Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/123

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REVIEW--LESSON XXXII The citizens of this city will soon decide to save the city. The city is now being terrified by bad citizens, and it fears them greatly. Now good citizens are being aroused and soon they will send the bad citizens away from the city. For a long time they did not dare to do this, but now they are listen- ing to good leaders and they will attack their enemies. Then they will not be terrified, but they will be free and happy. DICTATION-LESSON XXXIII Latrō interdum hastam fert et bellum gerit. Neque tamen cīvitātem dēfendit neque hostēs expellit, ipse enim hostis est. Difficile est cīvitātem latrōnem expellere. Latrō ipse discēdere numquam vult. Cīvēs gravēs perterrēre vult. Maximē pecūniam et reliquās rēs bonās rapere vult. Latrō nōn est civis bonus. DICTATION AND IMITATION-LESSON XXXIII Exercitus noster impetum magnum facit. Exercitūs nostri semper im- petūs magnōs faciunt. The general is ordering the army to make two attacks. The first attack is frightening the other army. The two attacks are conquering the army of the enemy. Impetus exercitūs erat ācer. Impetūs exercituum semper sunt ācrēs. Part of the army did not dare to make an attack. Many of the attacks were not severe. The courage of the armies was not great. Imperātōrēs cum exercitibus ibant et magnō cum impetū castra hostium oppugnābant. Now a general does not go with his army. The general does not attack a city with his own hands. The armies alone attack cities with great onrushes. Imperātor exercitui cōnsilium nārrat. Imperātōrēs nōn semper exerciti- bus cōnsilia nārrant. This place is suitable for a harbor. Many places are not suitable for harbors.