Categoriae rogatissimae
The following data is cached, and was last updated 08:35, 1 Ianuarii 2025. A maximum of 5 000 results are available in the cache.
Showing below up to 50 results in range #1 to #50.
- Pages transcluding nonexistent sections (292 → 293 members)
- Opera quae Auctores varii scripsit (147 insunt)
- Formulae typographicae (78 insunt)
- Pages using the JsonConfig extension (54 insunt)
- Files with no machine-readable author (48 insunt)
- Files with no machine-readable description (48 insunt)
- Files with no machine-readable license (48 insunt)
- Files with no machine-readable source (48 insunt)
- Pages with reference errors (41 insunt)
- Books (6 insunt)
- Pagine con errori in Pg (6 insunt)
- Internal link templates (5 insunt)
- Oratio (5 insunt)
- PD-old (5 insunt)
- Pages with math errors (5 insunt)
- Pages with math render errors (5 insunt)
- Bulla (4 insunt)
- Opera quae Heiberg recensuit (4 insunt)
- Index pages with pagelist tags that refer to a nonexistent file (3 insunt)
- Missale Romanum 1862 (3 insunt)
- Opera quae Sebastianus Corradus Latine vertit (3 insunt)
- Pages with reference errors that trigger visual diffs (3 insunt)
- Ius (2 insunt)
- Marker templates (2 insunt)
- Missale Romanum (2 insunt)
- Opera quae Auctores incerti scripsit (2 insunt)
- Opera quae Episcopi dioeceseos Remorum scripsit (2 insunt)
- Opera quae Ghærbaldus Leodiensis scripsit (2 insunt)
- Opera quae Monachi Benedictini Solesmenses scripsit (2 insunt)
- Opera quae Nicolaus Maclavellus scripsit (2 insunt)
- Pages which use score (2 insunt)
- Template namespace templates (2 insunt)
- Vitae (2 insunt)
- 55% (1 inest)
- Archivum historicum Suboticiense (1 inest)
- Arretium (1 inest)
- Citation templates (1 inest)
- Dissertatio (1 inest)
- Dissertationes (1 inest)
- Elogia (1 inest)
- Epistola (1 inest)
- Formulae Paginae primae/English (1 inest)
- Gothice (1 inest)
- Headers missing parameters (1 inest)
- IRC (1 inest)
- Incorrect user language level (1 inest)
- Interwiki link templates (1 inest)
- Johannes Tortellius (1 inest)
- Missing user language categories (1 inest)
- Opera quae Amedeo Quondam recensuit (1 inest)