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Eventum investigationis

Ostenduntur, quae per "due pars by night" inveniuntur. Profecto scrutinari, ubi "Duet Paris By Night" contineatur!
  • factu—supine used as ablative of respect. intempesta nocte—‘at dead of night.’ ad hoc—‘moreover.’ Scytharum—The name of Scytlae was loosely given to...
    378 octeti (13 798 verba) - 21:21, 20 Augusti 2023
  • (vet. norv. nott, angl. sax. niht, vet. sax., vet. sup. germ. naht, angl. night, suec. natt, dan. nat, vet. fr., batav., rec. sup. germ. nacht; gr. <NOBR>νύξ...
    1.46 megaocteti (197 345 verba) - 11:17, 3 Aprilis 2023