Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/106

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The roses are pleasing to the woman. The stars are pleasing to Cornelia. Dōnum puerō grātum est. The reward is pleasing to the boy. The money is pleasing to the man. His daughter is dear to the doctor. Dōna sunt grāta viris et fēminīs. Forests are pleasing to men. The tent is pleasing to the boys. The reputation of the school is dear to the teachers. The reputation of the school is dear to the pupils. Cum puellā et puerō ambulat vir. The boy is walking with the woman. He is walking with his friend. The girl is walking with the doctor. Cum amicis ambulāmus. We are walking with the boys. We are walking with the men. We are walking with the sailors. Tēcum ambulo. You are walking with me.


Hic puer nōn est bonus; est malus. Puer lacrimat. Puerum malum ad sē māter vocat. Puer ad mặtrem nōn it. Māter est maesta quod puer est malus. Mox māter puerō pecūniam dat. Estne puer nunc bonus? Minimē. Malus est. Post ūnam hōram domum eō. Nunc domi sum. Diū domi maneō.