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Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/107

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DICTATION AND IMITATION-LESSON XII Magistra puerōs et puellās amat. The teacher likes the boy-pupils. The teacher praises the girl-pupils. I like my friends. The man is calling the sailors. Fābulae virōrum nōn sunt longae, sed fābulae fēminārum sunt longae. The pictures of the cottages are pretty. The gifts of the sailors are new. The rewards of the boys are pleasing. My friends' daughters are dear to me. Agricols ad oppidum it. Mox ad casam it. The farmer is going to the big house. The farmer is going to the forest. The farmer is going to an island. The farmer is going to the water. He is going to the tent. Puer dē casā et dē agrīs et dē amīcō nārrat. The boy tells about the forest. He tells about the big house. He tells about the sailor. He tells about his friends. DICTATIONLESSON XII Equus qut in hortō labōrat nōn est albus. Duo equl qui in stabulō stant sunt albi. Unus equus in hortō labōrat; duo equi in agrō labōrant. Hieme equōs timeō, sed nūllum perīculum est. Tum agricola equis frūmentum dat, et equi nōn multum labōrant. In hortō sunt rosae et lilia et alii flōrēs. Hieme in hortō est quiēs. Viri ibi nōn labōrant quod ibi sunt nūlli fōrēs. Audisne equum amici mel? Equum nōn sudio.