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Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/118

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The oficers were ordering the soldiers to attack, but the soldiers were looking around. The enemies were destroying the towns. The leader was warning a soldier. Superābāmus, sed nōn pugnāre audēbātis. We were seizing the camp, but you were demanding help. You were warning the soldiers and we were calling allies. DICTATION--LESSON XXV Aestāte saepe in ffūmine natābam. Interdum in nāviculā prope rīpam sedēbam. In fūmine erat nūlla nāvis quod fūmen erat tam angustum. Frāter meus tēcta in rīpā aedificābat. Haec relinquere nōn poterat si haec dēlēri nōn cupiēbat. Alii pueri qui in rīpā ambulābant aut corpora in rīpam iaciēbant haec dēlēbant, si frāter aberat et tēcta nōn servābat. DICTATION AND IMITATION--LESSON XXV Tēctum meum ā barbaris dēlēbātur. Omnia tēcta dēlēbantur. The soldiers were being wounded by their enenmies. The leader was being killed. The town was being saved by the soldiers. Weapons were being hurled by the allies. Nōs superābāmur sed vōs servābāmini. We were being warned, but you were being killed. You used to be approved of, but we used to be feared. Ego servābar; tū vulnerābāris. You were being held. You were being called. I was being feared. I was being overcome. DICTATION--LESSON XXVI Māne in summō colle sedēbam. Undique circumspectābam. Locus erat nātūrā pulcher. Agrōs pulchrōs et tēcta vidēbam. In collibus erant arborēs. In arboribus erant avēs. Nūlla nūbēs in caelō clrō vidērī pote-