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Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/119

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rat. Prīmō avēs silēbant, sed iam excitābantur ubi lūx erat clārior. Iam cibum per arborēs reperiēbant. Ego silēbam et interdum prope mē ap- propinquābant. Omnēs hās rēs amābam. DICTATION AND IMITATION-LESSON XXVI Vir ad suum tēctum currēbat. Eius tēctum in ruinis iacēbat. The soldier was carrying his own sword. His sword was new. The slave was saving his own master. His master was dear to the slave. The boy was wounding his own sister. His sister is not angry. Pueri suās mātrēs amant. Mātrēs eōrum pueros amant. The soldiers were destroying their own camp. Their camp was near the enemy. The soldiers were praising their leader. Their leader approved of his soldiers. Hic puer est amicus meus. Eum amō. Hae puellae sunt sorōrēs meae. Eās quoque amō. This woman is my mother. I love her. These men are my leaders. I approve of them. This soldier is a brave man. I praise him. These girls are the farmer’s daughters. The farmer loves them. DICTATIONLESSON XXVII Magnā cum laetitiā pictūram pulchram spectāvī. Cōpiae ad proelium Ibant. Splendida erant arma. Signa nōn cēlābantur. Ubique erant figūrae virōrum nōtōrum et animālium validōrum. Ego quoque sīc arma rapere et ad proelium properāre cupiēbam. Tam magnam laetitiam sentiebam ubi pictūram spectāvi. DICTATION AND IMITATION-LESSON XXVII Castra tenēbimus sī hostēs oppugnābunt. If the officers command, we shall obey. If the men wander in the woods, beasts will kill them.