Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/120

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If the barbarians capture the town, they will destroy it. We shall fight bravely. We shall shout if it is necessary. Amicum servābō si tū nōn clāmābis. Will you order the soldiers to attack? I shall demand aid. You will not dare to fight alone but I shall help you. I shall advise you and you will conquer. Si vōs oppugnābitis, dux hostium nōn pugnāre audēbit. If you move the camp, the barbarian will tell this to his leader. If you demand help, the leader of the allies will give help. DICTATION-LESSON XXVIII Ōlim civēs patriae nostrae nāvigium ad portum gentis alius mittere Cōnstituērunt. Nāvigium insignibus ōrnātum erat. Cīvēs huius gentis nōn erant ignāvi sed perterriti erant. Ante hoc tempus nāvigium hūc nōn vēnerat. Deinde virī ex nāvigiō ad civēs Ivērunt et sē amicōs esse dīxērunt. Tandem cīvēs eōs amicōs accēpērunt et nunc duae gentēs sunt amici. DICTATION AND IMITATION-LESSON XXVIII Si vōs nōn vulnerābiminī, omnēs servābimur. If we are called together, you also will be called. If you are conquered, we also will be destroyed. If you are ordered to go, we also shall be ordered to go. Si dux necābitur, ego iubēbor auxilium dare. If the town is held, I shall be saved with the rest. If I am wounded, my brother will be ordered to carry me to the camp. If I am overcome, the city will be destroyed. Illi oppugnābuntur, sed tū servāberis. If you are overcome, they too will be destroyed. You will be ordered to give money, but the lives of your friends will be saved. If you are warned, the cities will not be captured.