Ad Alpēs/Subject Index
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Absalom, 191
Achan, 203
Actor Who Fell Asleep, 74
Aeneas, 145, 188, 193
Aeschylus, 82
Agricola, 217
Ahenobarbi, 190
Alban Mount, 130
Alexandria; water supply of, 173
Allobroges, 147
Amphitheater At Fidenae, 71
Androcles, 62
Androgeos, 24
defeated by Romans, 28, 114
his troops, 115
receives Hannibal, 28
Apollo, 122
Appi Forum, 123
Archimedes, 70
Ariadne, 27
Atalanta, 116
Athletes, 153
Auction, 58, 79
Augury From Behavior Of Birds, 33
Auspicia, 34, 158, 229
Babylon, 211
Bacchus, 121; cf. 206
Baldness, 82, 84
Beneventum, 101
Boastful Host, 31
Boves Lucae, 102
circumnavigated, 183
history of invasions, 216; cf. 77
short nights, 60
Brundisium; lighthouse, 43
Burial; laws concerning, 132
Caesar (Julius):
among pirates, 18
at Alexandria, 173
at Corfinium, 182
at the Rubicon, 180
baldness, 84
clemency, 182
commentaries, 180
in Britain, 61, 216
Isthmus of Corinth, 29
omen of fall in Africa, 158
auction, 79
avarice, 78
baldness, 84
designs on Britain, 77
infancy, 77
Isthmus of Corinth, 29
men used as fodder, 120
name, 77
races and Incitatus, 78; cf. 80
Campus Martius, 132, 147
Canal Along Appian Way, 129
Cannae, 100
gladiatorial school at, 118
shelters Romans after defeat, 106
Carmel, 140
Carthaginians; faith of, 176
Caudine Forks, 105
Cedo-alteram, 195
Charon, 187
Chickens, prophetic, 33
Christians, 124
Catiline’s Conspiracy, 147
consulship, 147
on gladiatorial shows, 118
verse, 148
Claudia; vindicated by Magna Mater, 150
in Britain, 217
sham naval battle, 121
Comum; school at, 226
Corfinium, 182
burned, 197
rebuilt, 207
Criminals as gladiators, 118
Curtius (Marcus), 171
Damocles, 96
Danaus, 222
Daniel, in lions’ den, 48
and Absolom, 191
and Goliath, 38
well at Bethlehem, 39
Dead Sea, 137
Decius Mus, 169
Diana, 130, 225
Dido, 189
Diogenes, 99
and Damocles, 96
quarries as prison, 99
writings, 97
Doctor, 87
baldness, 82
cruelty, 81
treatise on care of hair, 84
Dreams, 228
Earthquakes, 76, 111
at Metaurus, 176
at Thapsus, 102
called Boves Lucae, 102
cross Rhone, 103
duels with men, 102
fear mice, 104
fight with serpents, 104
walk tight-rope, 120
Elisha, 82
Eurydice, 185
family sacrifice, 150
war with Veii, 148
Fabius Maximus (Quintus), 113
city mouse and country mouse, 94
farmer and birds, 66
among actors, 73
in circus, 78, 80
Farmer and birds, 66
Fidenae, 71
Floating Islands, 140
death, 136
games, 120
judgment, 219
Gemoniae, 134
Ghosts, 91
Gifts to populace, 73
Gladiators, 118, 121
Gyges, 156
Hadrian’s wall, 217
after Metaurus, 177
against Eumenes, 22
against Fabius Maximus, 113
against Rhodians, 22
at Cannae, 100
character, 103, 177
death, 114
elephants across Rhone, 103
in Crete, 27
jest on troops of Antiochus, 115
prisoners fight, 103, 119
Ticinus and Trebia, 207
with Antiochus, 28, 114
Hasdrubal; at Metaurus, 175
in Babylon, 36
in Egypt, 57
birthplace and childhood, 84
farm, 136
Horse-racing, 78, 80
Icarus, 120
Incitatus, 78
Innkeeper, 86
Insulae Fortunatae, 151
Istthmus of Corinth, 29
Jericho, 199
Jerusalem, 137
Jonah, 53
Jordan, 137, 139
Joshua, 200, 204
Lacus Curtius, 173
Lautumiae, 99
Lighthouses, 43, 78
Livia Augusta, 159
Magna Mater, 149
Mabharbal, 100
Mausoleum, 132
Metaurus, 175
fable, 94
feared by elephants, 104
Midas, 121
Milestones, 115
Milo, 153
Minerva, 225
Minos, 24
Minotaur, 26
birth, 178
leader out of Egypt, 57
Mulvian Bridge, 147
Naumachia, 120
Nemora Fortunatorum, 189
artist, 75
family, 189
fire at Rome, 144
gifts to populace, 73
Icarus, 120
Isthmus of Corinth, 29
kills mother, 145
missiles from proscenium, 73
omens attending death, 132, 159
persecutes Christians, 126
racing, 80
sham naval battle, 120
treasure in Africa, 189
wanton mischief, 81
Nile, 173
Omens, 33, 86, 132, 158, 159, 181
see Auspicia
Orpheus, 185
Ostia, 149
battle near Cremona, 196
death, 133
pranks, 81
tomb, 133
Palestine; religion of, 139
Pan, 122
Paul, the Apostle, 123
Peddler, 88
Persians; idea of deity, 140
Philoxenus, 99
Pirates in Aegean, 18
Pliny (the Elder), 108
Pliny (The Younger):
founds school, 226
hunting, 225
on Christians, 124
on ghosts, 91
Vesuvius, 111
Pluto, 187
Poisoning, 114
Polydamas, 155
Pompey, 18, 43
Portents: see Omens and Auspicia
Proscenium, 73
Proserpina, 68, 185, 187
Prusias, 114
Pyramus, 211
at Beneventum, 102
introduces elephants into Italy, 102
plan to poison, 114
Quarries at Syracuse, 99
Races, 78, 80
Rahab, 200
Red Beards of Domitii, 190
Red Sea, 58
Regillus, 190
commander in Africa, 105
kills monster serpent, 105
messenger from Carthage, 126
Rhone; crossed by Hannibal, 103
buildings, 143
burned by Gauls, 143
burned in Nero’s time, 144
Rubicon, 180
Sacrifice of Fabian family, 150
Samson, 37
Sejanus, 155
Sentinum, 169
Septentriones, 60
Serpents, 103, 104
Sham naval battles, 120
Sibyl, 188, 192
dream, 228
epitaph of Spartans, 173
Solomon, 220
Spartans; epitaph on, 173
sub iugum, 105
quarries, 99
taken by Romans, 70
Thapsus, 102
Theater, 71
Theseus, 26
Thisbe, 211
Tiberius; in grotto, 155
Ticinus, 207
Titus; siege of Jerusalem, 137
Tombs along roads, 132
Tossing in blanket, 81
Trajan; on Christians, 125
Trasimenus, 177
Trebia, 207
Veii, 148
Venusia, 84
at Carmel, 140
Cremona rebuilt, 207
in the East, 137
Nero’s tours, 76
Vesuvius, 108
appetite, 134
death, 133
omen of fire, 158
on Otho’s tomb, 133
welcomed at Cremona, 197
Zama, 28, 114
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