Cornelii Nepotis Vitae (Hamilton)/Alcibiades

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 VI. Lysander VIII. Thrasybulus 


Alcibiades, filius Cliniae, Atheniensis. In
Alcibiades, the son of Clinias, the Athenian. In
hoc natura videtur experta quid possit (sub.)
him nature seems having tried what she can
efficere. Enim constat inter omnes, qui
to effect. For it is agreed among all, who
prodiderunt memoriae de eo, nihil fuisse
have delivered to memory of him, nothing to have been
excellentius illo vel in vitiis vel in virtutibus.
more excellent than he either in vices or in virtues.
Natus in amplissima civitate, summo genere,
Born in a most ample state, from the highest race,
multo formosissimus omnium suae aetatis, aptus
by much the most beautiful of all of his age, fit
ad omnes res, que plenus consilii. Namque
to (for) all things, and full of counsel. For
fuit summus imperator et mari et
he was the highest commander both by sea and
terra; disertus, ut valeret (sub.) in primis
by land; eloquent, that he did prevail in (among) the first
dicendo; quod tanta erat commendatio
in speaking; because so great was the recommendation
oris atque orationis, ut nemo posset (sub.)
of mouth and of speech, that nobody was able
resistere ei dicendo; deinde, quum tempus
to resist to him in speaking; then, when the time
posceret (sub.), laboriosus, patiens, liberali, splendidus,
did demand, laborious, patient, liberal, splendid,
non minus in vita quam victu; affabilis,
not less in life than in manner of living; affable,
blandus, callidissime inserviens temporibus. Idem,
courteous, most cunningly serving to the times. The same,
simul-ac remiserat se, neque caussa suberat,
as soon as he had relaxed himself, nor cause was near,
quare perferret laborem animi, reperiebatur
wherefore he should bear labour of mind, was found
luxuriosus, dissolutus, libidinosus, intemperans, ut
luxurious, dissolute, lustful, intemperate, that
omnes admirarentur (sub.) tantam dissimilitudinem que
all did wonder at so great dissimilitude and
tam diversam naturam in uno homine.
so different nature in one man.


Educatus-est in domo Periclis (enim dicitur
He was brought up in the house of Pericles (for he is said
fuisse privignus eius), eruditus a Socrate.
to have been the step-son of him), instructed by Socrates.
Habuit Hipponicum socerum, divitissimum omnium
He had Hipponicus father-in-law, the richest of all
loquentium Graeca lingua, ut, si ipse
speaking in the Greek language, that, if himself
vellet fingere, posset (sub.) neque reminisci
might wish to imagine, he could neither to recollect
plura bona, neque consequi maiora, quam vel fortuna
more goods, nor to obtain greater, than either fortune
vel natura tribuerat. Ineunte adolescentia
or nature had bestowed. In entering youth
amatus-est a multis more Graecorum,
he was loved by many in the manner of the Greeks,
in eis a Socrate, de quo Plato in
in (among) these by Socrates, of whom Plato in (his)
Symposio facit mentionem. Namque induxit
Symposium makes mention. For he has introduced
eum commemorantem se pernoctasse
him mentioning himself to have passed the night
cum Socrate, neque surrexisse ab eo aliter,
with Socrates, nor to have risen from him otherwise,
ac filius debuerit (sub.) a parente. Posteaquam
than a son ought from a parent. After that
factus-est robustior, amavit non minus multos,
he became more robust, he loved not less many,
in amore quorum, quoad licitum-est, fecit
in the love of whom, as far as it was allowed, he did
multa odiosa delicate que iocose, quae
many odious (things) delicately and jestingly, which
referremus, nisi haberemus (sub.) maiora
we might relate, unless we had greater
que potiora.
and preferable (things).


Peloponnesio bello Athenienses, auctoritate
In the Peloponnesian war the Athenians, by the authority
atque consilio huius, indixerunt bellum
and by the counsel of him, proclaimed war
Syracusanis: ad gerendum quod ipse delectus-est
to the Syracusans: to carrying on which himself was chosen
dux, duo collegae praeterea dati, Nicias et
leader, two colleagues besides (were) given, Nicias and
Lamachus. Quum id appararetur (sub.), accidit,
Lamachus. When that was prepared, it happened,
prius-quam classis exiret (sub.), ut una nocte omnes
before that the fleet did go out, that in one night all
Hermae, qui erant in oppido Athenis,
the statues of Mercury, which were in the town Athens,
praeter unum, qui erat ante ianuam Andocidis,
except one, which was before the gate of Andocides,
deiicerentur (sub.). Itaque ille postea vocitatus-est
were overthrown. Therefore it afterwards was often called
Mercurius Andocidis. Quum hoc appareret (sub.)
the Mercury of Andocides. When this did appear
factum-esse non sine magna consensione
to have been done not without great agreement
multorum, quod pertineret (sub.) non ad privatam, sed
of many, because it did pertain not to a private, but
ad publicam rem, magnus timor iniectus-est
to a public thing, great fear was thrown in
multitudini, ne qua repentina vis exsisteret
to the multitude, lest any sudden violence should exist
in civitate, quae opprimeret libertatem populi.
in the state, which might oppress the liberty of the people.
Hoc videbatur convenire maxime in Alcibiadem,
This did seem to suit mostly unto Alcibiades,
quod existimabatur et potentior et maior,
because he was esteemed both more powerful and greater,
quam privatus. Enim devinxerat multos
than a private (man). For he had bound down many
liberalitate, etiam reddiderat plures suos
by liberality, also he had rendered more his own
forensi opera. Quare fiebat,
by forensic work (assistance). Wherefore it did happen,
ut converteret (sub.) oculos omnium ad se,
that he did turn the eyes of all to himself,
quotiescumque prodisset (sub.) in publicum, neque
as often as he did come forth into public, neither
quisquam poneretur (sub.) par ei in civitate.
any one was placed equal to him in the state.
Itaque habebant non solum maximam spem in
Therefore they had not only the greatest hope in
eo, sed etiam timorem, quod poterat et obesse
him, but also fear, because he was able both to injure
et prodesse plurimum. Aspergebatur infamia
and to profit very much. He was sprinkled with infamy
etiam, quod dicebatur facere mysteria[1] in
also, because he was said to make the mysteries in
sua domo, quod erat nefas more Atheniensium,
his house, which was unlawful by custom of Athenians,
que id existimabatur pertinere non ad religionem,
and that was thought to pertain not to religion,
sed ad coniurationem.
but to conspiracy.


Compellabatur hoc crimine in concione
He was charged with this charge in the assembly
ab inimicis. Sed tempus proficiscendi ad bellum
by enemies. But the time of setting out to the war
instabat. Ille intuens id, neque ignorans
was at hand. He observing that, nor being ignorant of
consuetudinem suorum civium, postulabat, si
the custom of his citizens, did demand, if
vellent (sub.) quid agi de se,
they did wish any (thing) to be done concerning himself,
quaestio haberetur potius de praesenti, quam
inquiry should be had rather of (him) present, than
absens accusaretur crimine invidiae. Vero
being absent he should be accused by a charge of envy. But
inimici eius, quia intelligebant non
the enemies of him, because they did understand (him) not
posse noceri, decreverunt quiescendum in
to be able to be hurt, determined to be quiet in
praesenti, et illud tempus exspectandum, quo
present, and that time to be waited for, in which
exisset, ut sic aggrederentur
he should have gone out, that thus they might attack
absentem; que fecerunt ita. Nam postquam
(him) absent; and they did so. For after that
crediderunt eum pervenisse in Siciliam,
they believed him to have arrived into Sicily,
fecerunt reum, absentem, quod violasset (sub.)
they made (him) accused, being absent, that he had violated
sacra. De qua re quum nuntius
sacred (things). Concerning which thing when a messenger
missus-esset (sub.) a magistratu in Siciliam ei,
had been sent by the magistracy into Sicily to him,
ut rediret domum ad caussam dicendam,
that he should return home to cause to be spoken (pleaded),
que esset (sub.) in magna spe provinciae
and he was in great hope of the province
administrandae bene, noluit non parere, et
to be managed well, he was unwilling not to obey, and
ascendit in triremem, quae missa-erat ad deportandum
ascended into a trireme, which had been sent to carry off
eum. Pervectus Thurios in Italiam hac,
him. Being carried to Thurii into Italy in this,
reputans multa secum de immoderata
revolving many (things) with himself of the immoderate
licentia suorum civium que crudelitate erga
licentiousness of his citizens and cruelty towards
nobiles, ratus utilissimum evitare
the nobles, having thought (it) most useful to shun
impendentem tempestatem, subduxit se clam
the impending tempest, he withdrew himself secretly
a custodibus, et inde venit primum Elidem,
from keepers, and thence he came first (to) Elis,
deinde Thebas. Autem postquam audivit
afterwards (to) Thebes. But after that he heard
se damnatum capitis, bonis publicatis,
himself condemned of head, goods being confiscated,
et, id quod venerat usu, sacerdotes
and, that which had come in use, the priests
Eumolpidas[2] coactos a populo, ut devoverent
Eumolpidae forced by the people, that they might curse
se, que quo memoria eius devotionis
himself, and that the memory of that curse
esset testatior, exemplum, incisum in
might be more witnessed, an example (a copy), cut in
lapidea pila, positum-esse in publico,
a stony pillar, to have been placed in public,
demigravit Lacedaemonem. Ibi, ut ipse
he removed (to) Lacedemon. There, as himself
consueverat praedicare, gessit bellum non adversus
had used to declare, he carried on war not against
patriam, sed suos inimicos, quod iidem essent (sub.)
country, but his enemies, because the same were
hostes civitati. Nam quum intelligerent (sub.) se
enemies to the state. For when they did understand himself
posse prodesse plurimum reipublicae, eiecisse
to be able to profit very much to the republic, to have ejected
ex ea, que paruisse suae irae, plus
out of it, and to have obeyed to their own anger, more
quam communi utilitati. Itaque consilio
than to the common utility. Therefore by the counsel
huius Lacedaemonii fecerunt amicitiam cum
of him the Lacedemonians made friendship with
rege Persarum: deinde munierunt Deceleam
the king of the Persians: then they fortified Decelea
in Attica, que perpetuo praesidio posito
in Attica, and a perpetual garrison being placed
ibi, tenuerunt Athenas in obsidione. Opera
there, they held Athens in siege. By the work
eiusdem averterunt Ioniam a
of the same (Alcibiades) they turned away Ionia from
societate Atheniensium. Quo facto coeperunt
the alliance of the Athenians. Which being done they began
esse multo superiores bello.
to be much superior in war.


Neque vero his rebus facti-sunt tam
Nor indeed by these things were they made so
amici Alcibiadi, quam alienati ab eo
friendly to Alcibiades, as alienated from him
timore. Nam quum cognoscerent (sub.) praestantem
by fear. For when they did know the excellent
prudentiam acerrimi viri in omnibus rebus,
prudence of (this) most bold man in all things,
pertimuerunt, ne aliquando, ductus caritate
they dreaded, lest at some time, led by dearness
patriae, descisceret ab ipsis, et rediret
of country, he should revolt from themselves, and should return
in gratiam cum suis. Itaque
into favour with his own (countrymen). Therefore
instituerunt quaerere tempus eius interficiendi.
they resolved to seek the time of him to be killed.
Id potuit celari non diutius Alcibiadi.
That was able to be concealed not longer to Alcibiades.
Enim erat ea sagacitate, ut posset (sub.)
For he was with that sagacity, that he was able
non decipi, praesertim, quum attendisset (sub.)
not to be deceived, especially, when he had applied
animum ad cavendum. Itaque contulit se ad
mind to bewaring. Therefore he betook himself to
Tissaphernem, praefectum regis Dari. Quum
Tissaphernes, governor of king Darius. When
pervenisset (sub.) in intimam amicitiam cuius, et
he had come into intimate friendship of whom, and
rebus gestis male in Sicilia, videret (sub.)
things being carried on badly in Sicily, did see
opes Atheniensium senescere, contra
the resources of the Athenians to decay, on the other hand
Lacedaemoniorum crescere, initio
(those) of the Lacedemonians to increase, in the beginning
colloquitur, per internuntios, cum Pisandro
he converses, through messengers, with Pisander
praetore, qui habebat exercitum apud Samum,
the praetor, who had an army at Samos,
et facit mentionem de suo reditu. Enim erat
and makes mention of his return. For he was
eodem sensu, quo Alcibiades, non amicus
in the same sense, in which Alcibiades, not friendly
potentiae populi, et fautor optimatum.
to the power of the people, and a favorer of the nobles.
Destitutus ab hoc, recipitur primum per
Abandoned by him, he is received first through
Thrasybulum, filium Lyci, ab exercitu, que
Thrasybulus, the son of Lycus, by the army, and
fit praetor apud Samum; post, Theramene
is made praetor at Samos; afterwards, Theramenes
suffragante, restituitur populiscito, que
voting for (it), he is restored by decree of people, and
absens praeficitur pari imperio simul cum
absent is appointed to equal command together with
Thrasybulo et Theramene. In imperio horum
Thrasybulus and Theramenes. In the command of these
tanta commutatio rerum facta-est, ut
so great a change of things was made, that
Lacedaemonii, qui paullo ante viguerant
the Lacedemonians, who a little before had flourished
victores, perterriti peterent (sub.) pacem. Enim
victors, terrified did seek peace. For
victi-erant quinque terrestribus-praeliis, tribus
they had been conquered in five land-battles, in three
navalibus, in quibus amiserant ducentas triremes
naval, in which they had lost two hundred trireme
naves, quae captae venerant in potestatem
ships, which being taken had come into the power
hostium. Alcibiades, simul cum collegis, receperat
of enemies. Alcibiades, together with colleagues, had received
Ioniam, Hellespontum, multas Graecas urbes praeterea,
Ionia, the Hellespont, many Grecian cities besides,
quae sitae-sunt in ora Asiae, complures
which were situated on the coast of Asia, several
quarum expugnarant, in his Byzantium;
of which they had stormed, in (among) these Byzantium:
neque adiunxerant minus multas consilio ad
nor had they joined less many by counsel to
amicitiam, quod usi-fuerant clementia in
friendship, because they had used clemency unto
captos. Ita onusti praeda, exercitu
(those) taken. Thus loaded with booty, the army
locupletato, maximis rebus gestis,
being enriched, the greatest things being carried on,
venerunt Athenas,
they came (to) Athens,


Quum universa civitas descendisset (sub.) obviam
When the whole state had descended opposite
his in Piraeeum, tanta fuit
(to meet) to these into Piraeus, so great was
exspectatio omnium Alcibiadis visendi,
the expectation of all of Alcibiades to be visited (the strong desire of seeing him),
ut vulgus
that the common-people
conflueret (sub.) ad triremem eius, proinde-ac si
did crowd to the trireme of him, just as if
advenisset (sub.) solus. Enim persuasum-erat sic
he had arrived alone. For it had been persuaded thus
populo, et superiores adversas, et praesentes
to the people, both the former adverse, and present
secundas res accidisse opera eius.
prosperous things to have happened by work of him.
Itaque tribuebant et amissum Siciliae, et
Therefore they did attribute, both the loss of Sicily, and
victorias Lacedaemoniorum suae culpae,
the victories of the Lacedemonians to their own fault,
quod expulissent (sub.) talem virum e civitate.
because they had expelled such a man from the state.
Neque videbantur arbitrari id sine caussa.
Nor did they seem to think that without cause.
Nam postquam coeperat praeesse exercitui,
For after that he had begun to be over to the army,
hostes potuerant esse pares neque terra,
the enemies had been able to be equal neither by land,
neque mari. Ut hic egressus-est e navi,
nor by sea. When he went out from ship,
quamquam Theramenes et Thrasybulus praefuerant
although Theramenes and Thrasybulus had been over
eisdem rebus, que venerant simul in
to the same things, and had come at the same time into
Piraeeum, tamen omnes prosequebantur illum unum,
Piraeus, yet all did follow him alone,
et, id quod numquam antea venerat usu,
and, that which never before had come in use,
nisi victoribus Olympiae, donabatur
unless to the victors of (at) Olympia, he was presented
aureis que aeneis coronis vulgo.
with golden and with brazen crowns by the common people.
Ille lacrimans accipiebat talem benevolentiam suorum
He weeping did receive such benevolence of his
civium, reminiscens acerbitatem pristini temporis.
citizens, remembering the bitterness of former time.
Postquam venit Astu, concione advocata
After that he came (to) city (Athens), the assembly being called
fecit verba sic, ut nemo fuerit (sub.) tam ferus,
he made words thus, that nobody was so savage,
quin lacrimarit (sub.) casum eius, que
but that he wept the accident of him, and
ostenderit (sub.) se inimicum his, opera
showed himself an enemy to these, by work
quorum pulsus-fuerat patria, proinde-ac si
of whom he had been driven from country, just as if
alius populus, non ille ipse, qui tum flebat,
another people, not that self, which then did weep,
damnasset (sub.) eum sacrilegii. Ergo bona
had condemned him of sacrilege. Therefore the goods
restituta-sunt huic publice, que illi idem Eumolpidae
were restored to him publicly, and those same Eumolpidae
sacerdotes, qui devoverant eum, coacti-sunt
priests, who had cursed him, were compelled
resacrare rursus, que illae pilae, in quibus
to remove the curse again, and those pillars, in which
devotio scripta-fuerat, praecipitatae in mare.
the curse had been written, precipitated into the sea.


Haec laetitia fuit non nimis diuturna Alcibiadi.
This joy was not too (very) lasting to Alcibiades.
Nam quum omnes honores decreti-essent (sub.) ei,
For when all honours had been decreed to him,
que tota respublica domi que belli
and the whole republic at home and of (at) war
tradita, ut gereretur arbitrio unius,
delivered, that it might be carried on by will of one (of him alone),
et ipse postulasset (sub.), ut duo
and himself had demanded, that two
collegae darentur sibi, Thrasybulus et
colleagues should be given to himself, Thrasybulus and
Adimantus, neque id negatum-esset (sub.): profectus
Adimantus, nor that had been denied: having set out
iam classe in Asiam, recidit in invidiam,
now with fleet into Asia, he fell back into hatred,
quod apud Cymen gesserat rem minus
because at Cyme he had carried on the thing less
ex sententia. Enim ducebant
out of opinion (to their mind). For they did lead (think)
eum non posse efficere nihil. Ex quo
him not to be able to effect nothing. From which
fiebat, ut tribuerent (sub.) omnia gesta
it did happen, that they did attribute all (things) carried on
minus prospere culpae eius, quum loquerentur (sub.)
less prosperously to fault of him, when they did speak (say)
eum fecisse aut negligenter aut malitiose, sicut
him to have done either negligently or maliciously, as
accidit tum. Nam arguebant corruptum
it happened then. For they did accuse (him) corrupted
a rege noluisse capere Cymen.
by the king to have been unwilling to take Cyme.
Itaque putamus nimiam opinionem ingeni atque
Therefore we think too much opinion of ability and
virtutis fuisse maxime malo huic.
of bravery to have been chiefly to (as) evil to him.
Enim timebatur non minus quam diligebatur,
For he was feared not less than he was beloved,
ne, elatus secunda fortuna que magnis opibus,
lest, being elated by good fortune and by great resources,
concupisceret tyrannidem. Quibus rebus factum-est,
he should desire tyranny. By which things it was done,
ut abrogarent (sub.) magistratum absenti, et
that they did abrogate the magistracy to him absent, and
substituerent (sub.) alium in locum eius. Ut
did substitute another into the place of him. When
ille audivit id, noluit reverti domum,
he heard that, he was unwilling to return home,
et contulit se Pactyen, que ibi communivit
and betook himself (to) Pactye, and there he fortified
tria castella, Bornos, Bysanthen, Neontichos; que
three castles, Borni, Bysanthe, Neontichos; and
manu collecta primus civitatis Graeciae introiit
a band being collected first of state of Greece he entered
in Thraciam, existimans gloriosius, locupletari
into Thrace, thinking (it) more glorious, to be enriched
praeda barbarorum, quam Graiorum. Ex qua
with spoil of barbarians, than of Greeks. From which
re creverat cum fama, tum
thing he had increased when (as well) in fame then (as)
opibus, que pepererat magnam amicitiam
in resources, and had obtained great friendship
sibi cum quibusdam regibus Thracia.
to himself with some kings of Thrace.


Neque tamen potuit recedere a caritate
Nor however was he able to recede from love
patriae. Nam quum Philocles, praetor
of country. For when Philocles, commander
Atheniensium, constituisset (sub.) suam classem apud
of the Athenians, had arranged his fleet at
flumen Aegos, neque Lysander,
the river Aegos (Aegospotamos), nor Lysander,
praetor Lacedaemoniorum, abesset (sub.) longe,
the commander of the Lacedemonians, was distant far,
qui occupatus-erat in eo, ut duceret
who had been occupied in that, that he might lead (protract)
bellum quam-diutissime, quod pecunia suppeditabatur
the war as long as possible, because money was supplied
ipsis a rege; contra nihil
to themselves by the king; on other hand nothing
super-erat exhaustis Atheniensibus praeter arma
did remain to exhausted Athenians except arms
et naves, Alcibiades venit ad exercitum
and ships, Alcibiades came to the army
Atheniensium, que ibi vulgo praesente
of the Athenians, and there the common people being present
cepit agere: si vellent (sub.), se coacturum
began to treat: if they did wish, himself about to force
Lysandrum aut dimicare aut petere pacem:
Lysander either to fight or to seek peace:
Lacedaemonios nolle eo confligere classe,
the Lacedemonians to be unwilling therefore to engage with fleet,
quod valerent (sub.) plus pedestribus
because they did prevail more in pedestrian (land)
copiis quam navibus, autem esse facile sibi
forces than in ships, but to be easy to himself
deducere Seuthen, regem Thracum, ut
to bring down Seuthes, the king of the Thracians, that
depelleret eos terra; quo facto,
he might drive them from land; which being done,
necessario aut conflicturos classe, aut
necessarily either (to be) about to engage with fleet, or
composituros bellum. Etsi Philocles
about to settle the war. Although Philocles
animadvertebat id vere dictum, tamen
did perceive that (to be) truly said, yet
noluit facere postulata, quod sentiebat,
he was unwilling to do the demands, because he did perceive,
Alcibiade recepto, se futurum nullius
Alcibiades being received, himself about to be of no
momenti apud exercitum; et, si quid
weight at (with) the army; and, if any (thing)
secundi evenisset, nullam partem in
of favourable should have happened, no part in
ea re fore suam; contra
that thing to be about to be his own; against (contrary to)
ea, si quid adversi accidisset,
these (things), if any (thing) of adverse should have happened,
se futurum unum reum eius delicti.
himself about to be alone impeached of that fault.
Alcibiades discedens ab hoc, inquit, quoniam
Alcibiades departing from him, says, since
repugnas victoriae patriae, moneo illud,
thou opposest to victory of country, I admonish that,
habeas nautica castra iuxta hostes. Enim
thou mayest have naval camps near the enemies. For
est periculum, ne immodestia nostrorum
(there) is danger, lest by the disorder of our
militum occasio nostri exercitus opprimendi
soldiers occasion of our army to be oppressed
detur Lysandro. Neque ea res fefellit
may be given to Lysander. Nor that thing deceived
illum. Nam quum Lysander comperisset (sub.)
him. For when Lysander had found out
per speculatores, vulgum Atheniensium
by spies, the common people of the Athenians
exisse in terram praedatum, que naves
to have gone out into the land to plunder, and the ships
relictas paene inanes, dimisit non tempus
left almost empty, he let go not the time
rei gerendae, que eo impetu
of the thing to be-carried-on, and in that assault
delevit totum bellum.
he finished the whole war.


At Alcibiades, Atheniensibus victis,
But Alcibiades, the Athenians being conquered,
arbitratus eadem loca non satis tuta sibi,
having thought the same places not sufficiently safe to himself,
abdidit se penitus in Thraciam supra
hid himself wholly into Thrace above
Propontidem, sperans suam fortunam posse
Propontis, hoping his fortune to be able
facillime occuli ibi. Falso. Nam postquam
most easily to be concealed there. Falsely. For after that
Thraces senserunt eum venisse cum magna
the Thracians perceived him to have come with great
pecunia, fecerunt insidias [ei]; qui abstulerunt
money, they made snares [to him]; who took away
ea, quae apportarat, potuerunt non capere
those (things), which he had brought, were able not to take
ipsum. Ille cernens, nullum locum in Graecia tutum
himself. He perceiving, no place in Greece safe
sibi, propter potentiam Lacedaemoniorum,
to himself, on account of the power of the Lacedemonians,
transiit ad Pharnabazum in Asiam, quem quidem
passed over to Pharnabazus into Asia, whom indeed
cepit adeo sua humanitate, ut nemo
he took so much with his politeness, that nobody
antecederet (sub.) eum in amicitia. Namque
did excel him in friendship. For
dederat ei Grunium, castrum in Phrygia, ex
he had given to him Grunium, a castle in Phrygia, from
quo capiebat quinquagena talenta vectigalis.
which he did take fifty talents of tribute.
Qua fortuna Alcibiades erat non contentus,
With which fortune Alcibiades was not content,
neque poterat pati victas Athenas servire
nor was he able to suffer conquered Athens to serve
Lacedaemoniis. Itaque ferebatur omni
to the Lacedemonians. Therefore he was borne by every
cogitatione ad patriam liberandam. Sed videbat,
thought to country to-be-liberated. But he did see,
id non posse fieri sine rege
that not to be able to be done without the king
Persarum, que ideo cupiebat eum
of the Persians, and therefore he did desire him
adiungi amicum sibi; neque dubitabat,
to be joined (as) a friend to himself; nor did he doubt,
se facile consecuturum, si modo habuisset
himself easily about to obtain (that), if only he should have had
potestatem eius conveniendi. Nam sciebat
power of him to be met. For he did know
fratrem Cyrum clam parare bellum ei,
(his) brother Cyrus secretly to prepare war to him,
Lacedaemoniis adiuvantibus. Si aperuisset
the Lacedemonians assisting. If he should have discovered
id, videbat se initurum magnam
that, he did see himself about to come into great


Quum moliretur (sub.) haec, que peteret (sub.)
When he was attempting these (things), and did seek
a Pharnabazo, ut mitteretur ad regem,
from Pharnabazus, that he might be sent to the king,
eodem tempore Critias que ceteri tyranni
in the same time Critias and the other tyrants
Atheniensium miserunt certos homines in Asiam
of the Athenians sent certain men into Asia
ad Lysandrum, qui facerent eum certiorem,
to Lysander, who might make him more certain,
nisi sustulisset (sub.) Alcibiadem, nihil earum
unless he had taken away Alcibiades, nothing of those
rerum fore ratum, quas ipse
things to be about to be confirmed, which himself
constituisset (sub.) Athenis. Quare, si vellet (sub.)
had appointed at Athens. Wherefore, if he did wish
suas res gestas manere, persequeretur
his things carried on to remain, he should follow up
illum. Laco commotus his rebus, statuit
him. The Spartan moved with these things, resolved
agendum sibi accuratius cum
to be-acted to himself (that he must act) more carefully with
Pharnabazo. Ergo renuntiat huic,
Pharnabazus. Therefore he announces back to him,
quae essent (sub.) regi cum
(the things) which were to the king with
Lacedaemoniis, [futura irrita,] nisi tradidisset (sub.)
the Lacedemonians, [about to be void,] unless he had delivered
Alcibiadem vivum aut mortuum. Satrapes tulit
Alcibiades alive or dead. The Satrap bore
non hoc, et malint violare clementiam,
not this, and was more willing to violate clemency,
quam opes regis minui. Itaque
than the resources of the king to be lessened. Therefore
misit Susamithren et Bagaeum ad interficiendum
he sent Sysamithres and Bagaeus to kill
Alcibiadem, quum ille esset (sub.) in Phrygia, que
Alcibiades, when he was in Phrygia, and
compararet (sub.) ite ad regem. Missi
did prepare journey to the king. Being sent
dant negotium vicinitati, in qua
they give business to the neighbourhood, in which
Alcibiades tum erat, ut interficiant eum. Quum
Alcibiades then was, that they may kill him. When
illi auderent (sub.) non aggredi [eum] ferro,
they did dare not to attack [him] with iron (weapon),
contulerunt ligna noctu circa eam
they brought together woods by night about that
casam in qua quiescebat, que succenderunt eam,
cottage in which he did rest, and kindled it,
ut conficerent incendio, quem diffidebant
that they might finish with burning, whom they did distrust
posse superari manu. Autem ut ille
to be able to be overcome with hand. But when he
excitatus-est sonitu flammae, etsi gladius
was roused by the sound of the flame, although (his) sword
subductus-erat ei, eripuit telum
had been withdrawn from him, he snatched a weapon
subalare sui familiaris. Namque
under the arm (a dagger) of his domestic. For
quidam hospes ex Arcadia erat cum eo, qui
a certain guest out of Arcadia was with him, who
numquam voluerat discedere. Iubet hunc
never had wished to depart. He orders him
sequi se, et arripuit id vestimentorum,
to follow himself, and snatched up that of clothes,
quod fuit in praesentia. His eiectis
which was in presence (at hand.) These being thrown out
in ignem, transiit vim flammae.
into the fire, he passed over the violence of the flame.
Quem ut barbari viderunt effugisse
Whom when the barbarians saw to have escaped
incendium, interfecerunt telis missis
the burning, they killed with weapons sent
eminus, que retulerunt caput eius ad
from a distance, and carried back the head of him to
Pharnabazum. At mulier, qui consuerat vivere
Pharnabazus. But the woman, who had used to live
cum eo, cremavit mortuum contectum sua
with him, burnt (him) dead covered with her own
muliebri veste incendio aedificii, quod
female robe in the burning of the house, which
comparatum-erat, ad interimendum vivum. Sic
had been prepared to destroying (him) alive. Thus
Alcibiades obit supremum diem natus circiter
Alcibiades met last day being born about
quadraginta annos.
forty years.


Tres gravissimi historici extulerunt summis
Three most grave historians have extolled with highest
laudibus hunc infamatum a plerisque: Thucydides,
praises him defamed by many: Thucydides,
qui fuit eiusdem aetatis, Theopompus, qui natus-fuit
who was of the same age, Theopompus, who was born
aliquanto post, et Timaeus, qui duo maledicentissimi
somewhat after, and Timaeus, which two most slanderous
quidem, nescio quo modo conscierunt
indeed, I know not in what manner they have agreed
in illo uno laudando. Nam praedicarunt
in him alone to be praised. For they have declared
ea de eo, quae diximus supra,
those (things) of him, which we have said above,
atque hoc amplius: quum natus-esset (sub.) Athenis
and this more: when he had been born in Athens
splendidissima civitate, superasse omnes
a most splendid state, to have surpassed all
Athenienses splendore ac dignitate vitae; postquam
Athenians in splendor and dignity of life; after that
expulsus inde venerit (sub.) Thebas,
being expelled thence he came (to) Thebes,
inservisse adeo studiis eorum, ut nemo
to have applied so to the pursuits of them, that nobody
posset (sub.) aequiparare eum labore que viribus
was able to equal him in labour and in strengths
corporis (enim omnes Boeotii inserviunt firmitati
of body (for all the Boeotians apply to firmness
corporis magis quam acumini ingeni); eumdem
of body more than to quickness of genius); the same
apud Lacedaemonios, moribus quorum summa
at the Lacedemonians, by customs of whom the highest
virtus ponebatur in patientia, dedisse se sic
virtue was placed in patience, to have given himself so
duritiae, ut vinceret (sub.) omnes Lacedaemonios
to hardship, that he did conquer all the Lacedemonians
parsimonia victus atque cultus; fuisse apud
in parsimony of food and of dress; to have been at
Thracas, vinolentos homines que deditos venereis
the Thracians, drunken men and given to lewd
rebus; antecessisse quoque hos in his rebus;
things; to have excelled also them in these things;
venisse ad Persas, apud quos summa
to have come to the Persians, at whom the highest
laus esset (sub.) venari fortiter, vivere luxuriose,
praise was to hunt bravely, to live luxuriously,
imitatum (esse) consuetudinem horum sic, ut illi
to have imitated custom of these so, that they
ipsi admirarentur (sub.) eum maxime in
themselves did admire him very much in
his. Quibus rebus effecisse, ut
these (things). By which things to have effected, that
apud quoscumque esset, poneretur (sub.) princeps,
at whomsoever he might be, he was placed chief,
que haberetur (sub.) carissimus. Sed satis de
and was held most dear. But enough of
hoc, ordiamur reliquos.
him, let us begin the rest.
  1. Mysteries of Ceres, celebrated with the utmost secrecy at Eleusis.
  2. Descendants of Eumolpus, son of Neptune, and chief priests of Ceres, whose rites he had been accused of violating.