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Disputatio:Sepulcrum Ioannis Pauli de Lascaris

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Latest comment: abhinc 14 annos by John Vandenberg in topic Haec pagina delenda est
Sepulcrum Ioannis Pauli de Lascaris
Editio :
Fons :
Alii Fontēs : {{{Alii Fontēs}}}
Conlationes: Aramgar
Operis qualitas : Perfectus et Paratus
Nota :
Bis lectus et emendatus:
scriptum emendare

Haec pagina delenda est


I transcribed this on the spot several years ago. It has no other source than my own notes. Aramgar 18:01, 6 Iulii 2008 (UTC)Reply

We have similar texts on English Wikisource, where there is no other source. I think it is OK. John Vandenberg 23:42, 9 Decembris 2009 (UTC)Reply