PREFACE. li thirteenth century: — the " pollard and crocard " pennies were denounced in 1299, but fi-om the scarcity of coin were allowed to pass for halfpence (p. 543). The next year the citizens of Worcester were heavily fined for continuing to use them, "non secundum quod delique- " runt, sed secundum quod ditiores et magnates perdere " potuerunt " (p. 54C). There are not unfrequent allu- sions to foreign affairs ; e.g. the defeat of Frederick II. at Parma in 1248 (p. 438). There are valuable details repecting the expedition to Gascony in 1294 (p. 519), the Welsh war in 1295 (pp. 520, 52G) ; the battle of Courtrai in 1302 (p. 552), where, though the list of the chief persons of note slain partially agrees with Matthew of Westminster and other chroniclers, there are errors.^ The visits of Edward I. to Worcester, which were very frequent, are given with very considerable detail, the offerings he made to S. Wulstan's and the other shrines being always mentioned at length. On one occa- sion, in 1295, an elaborate descrii^tion is given of his praying before the shrine, and asking " What can " I render to blessed Wulstan for all his holy piuyers " have done for me ? " and providing for the support of three monks, and two wax candles to be burnt before the saint (p. 521). There is a curious account of the penance of the Worcester bailiffs for breach of sanctuary in 1302 (p. 554). Of errors in the Annals, besides those copied directly Errors, from the Vespasian MS., there is perhaps the usual average to be found, especially in the earlier portion ; — they chiefly consist in wrong names given to many of the persons mentioned. Thus in 1179 (p. 384), the abbat of Gloucester is called G. Carbonel instead of Thomas Carbonel ;2 in 1191 (p. 387) the bishop of Bath is called Roger instead of Reginald; in 1199 (p. 390) 1 See the note on the passage. 1 correct here, it is another proof that I cannot identify " Dominus Wale the Tewkesbury MS. was not used " Payt'l." 1 by the Worcester annalist. 2 As the Tewkesbury Annals are '
Pagina:Annales monastici Vol IV.djvu/59