lii PREFACE. Manger is called archdeacon of York instead of Evreux (Eboraci for Ehroici, a not unfrequent mistake) ; iu 1203 (p. 392) the earl of Leicester, Robert, is called Gal- fi'idus ; in 121G (p. 406) the bishop of Hereford is Hen- ricus instead of Hugo ; in 1220 (p. 412) the archdeacon of Norwich, Geoffrey de Burgh, is called William ; even Hubert de Burgh is three times called Henry (pp. 419, 425, 42G). Then we find in 1228 Thomas for Geoffrey, bishop of Ely (420) ; Gilbert abbat of Pershore, instead of Gervase (p. 425) ; Richard, earl of Chester, for John (p. 429) ; Ottobonus for Otho (p. 431), though Otho's name is correctly given just before; Henricus for Hugo, bishop of Lichfield (p. 432) ; John, bishop of Bath, for Jocelyn (p. 434) ; G., bishop of London, for F. (Fulco), (p. 436) ; W. archdeacon of Worcester in 1256, for V. (Vincent), (p. 444) ; Richard, bishop of Lincoln, for Henry (p. 445). It is very singular that in mentioning the death of Florence of Worcester, in p. 376, the writer, though copying from the contiiraator of Florence, should call him " episcopus." Registrum The " Registrum sive liber irrotularius et consuetudi- Prioratus a j^ai-j^ig prioratus beatse Marine Wigornionsis " was edited niensis. with notes and illustrations by archdeacon Hale for the Camden Society in 1865. It illustrates in a very im- portant manner many of the passages in the Annals, as giving in extenso many deeds of grants or charters to which they allude. I have referred to it whenever I have been able to feel sure of the correctness of the reference. Great value Though perhaps not equal in interest or value to the of the Annals of Dunstable for local history, or to those of Waverley for the general history of the country, I think that the Annals of Worcester will always rank very highly as an authority for tJie latter years of the thir- teenth century. Completion ^^ ^j^g stated in the preface to the fiist volume of this of the Col- „ . p , 4 lection of colleclion ot the Annales Monastici, that its object
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