31 Fac-similes of National Manuscripts, from William the Conqueror to Queen Anne, selected undei" the direction of the Master of the Rolls, and Photozincographed, by Command of Her Majesty, by Colonel Sir Henry James, R.E., Director of the Ordnance Survey. Price, each part, double foolscap folio, 1/. 1*. Part I., with translations and notes (William the Conqueror to Henry Vn.), 1865. Part II. (Henry VIII. and Edward VI.), 1866. Part III. (Mary and Elizabeth), 1867. The first Part extends from William the Conqueror to Henry "VII., and contains autographs of the kings of England, as well as of many other illustrious per- sonages famous in history, and some interesting charters, letters patent, and state papers. The second Part, for the reigns of Henry VIH. and Edward VI., consists principally of holograph letters and autographs of kings, princes, states- men, and other persons of great historical interest, who lived during those reigns. The third Part contains similar documents for the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth, including a signed bill of Lady Jane Grey. Public Record Office, March 1869!
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