Haec pagina nondum emendata est
nimium, u. 2, too niiuh also as adv. |
nisi, unless. |
nitor, nlsus or nixus, 3, rely on, |
strive ; hasta w.'h, leaning on |
his spear. |
nolo, a7n umvilling. |
nomen, nominis, n. 3, name. |
nomino, i, 7iame. |
non, tiot. |
Nonae, f. pi. i , Agones. |
nondum, not yet. |
nonne ? not ? |
nosco, no perf. or sup,, 3, learn ; |
perfect novi, knozu. |
noster, nostra, I, our. |
notus, 1, knoivn, acquainted. |
novi. See nosco. |
novus, I, new. |
nox, noctis, f., -i noun, night. |
nubo, nilpsT, nuptum, 3 (with |
dat.) ; wed. |
nuUus, pronominal adj., no. |
num, interrogative particle, |
niimen, numinis, n. 3, divine |
p07ver. |
numquis, numquae or numqua, |
as in ; numquis me sequi vult ? |
surely no one -wishes to follozv |
vie. |
nunc, now. |
nunquam, never. |
nxintius, ni. 2, messenger. |
nuper, lately. |
nurus, f . 4j daughter-in-law. |
6, oh ! |
oil, prep, with ace, on account of. |
obeo, meet ; mortem obiit, he |
died. |
oblivio, f. 2),forgei/uhiess. |
obliviscor, oblltus, 3, forget ; |
miseriae ohlltus, forgetting his |
, piisery. |
oboediens, 3, obedient. |
oboedientia, f. i, obedience. |
obsecro, i , entreat. |
obsideo, -sedi,-sessum, 2, block- |
ade., |
obsto, no perf. or sup., , oppose, |
obtempero, i, obey ; nemini ob- |
temperavit, obeyed no one. |
obtineo, -tinuT, — , 2, keep. |
occido, occidi, occlsum, 3, slay, |
oculus, m. 2, eye. |
odi, hate fut. part, osi.rus. |
odium, n, 2, ill feeling. |
offendo, -fendl, -fensum,, 3, |
cffend. |
offensio, f. i, giving offence. |
oflBlcium, n. 2, duty. |
ohe, so ! |
omen, ominis, n. 3, omen. |
omnino, altogether. |
omnis, 2, all. |
onus, oneris. n. 3, burden. |
opera, f. i , help, employment. |
oppidanus, m. 2, townsman. |
oppidura, n. 2, stronghold. |
optime, best. |
optimus, I , best. |
opto, I, xuish. |
opus, opcris, n. 3, 7O0rk ; opus |
est, is necessary. |
oratio, -ionis, f, 3, speech. |
orbis, m., -i noun, circle ; orbis |
ten arum, tlie world. |
ordo, 6rdinis,m.3,£»;7/fr; ordine |
or e.x ordine, in order. |
orno, I, adorn. |
oro, ,pray. |
OS, ossis, n, 3, bone. |
oitendo, -tend!, -tentum(?/' -ten- |
sum, 3, display. |
otium, n. 2, leisure. |
paene, almost. |
paenitet, paenituit, regret. |
pallidus, ,pale. |
par, par is, 2, equal. |
paratus, i, ready. |
pared, pepercT, (temperatum), 3, |
spare ; urbl pepercit, spared the city. |
parens, parentis, m. f, 3, parent. |
pared, paruT,(obtemperatum), 2, |
obey ; consul! pare, obey the consul. |