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Pagina:Epitome historiæ sacræ (IA epitomehistoris00irongoog).pdf/10

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Haec pagina nondum emendata est

The utility of the following Epitome has been already so far tested by experience, not only in France, where it was first produced, but in this country, that it stands in need of no eulogium. It has justly superseded the Selecta e veteri Testamento of M. Rollin in easiness and classical latinity; and its neatness, brevity, and perspicuity, atone for the prolixity of the other.

The difficulty and necessity of initiating boys into a correct acquaintance with Syntax and the parts of speech, have been long and justly appreciated by teachers, and those who have the interest of their pupils in view, cannot help being pleased with the ready assistance afforded them by the arrangement of this little book.

At the commencement of their studies, boys find great labour and difficulty in searching for the proper words in their dictionaries; and parents have often and with reason complained of the destruction thus occasioned in books which cost so dear.

To obviate this, and to enable the pupil to become more easily acquainted with words, the Editor has been induced to add to the present edition a little Dictionary or Vocabulary, containing such words only as occur in the Epitome, and giving the etymology, as far as he judged necessary for beginners.

In the course of his teaching, the Editor has found that a considerable difficulty is experienc-