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Pagina:Epitome historiæ sacræ (IA epitomehistoris00irongoog).pdf/11

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ed in the prosodial reading, or just pronunciation of the words according as the syllables are long or short. To correct this, as far as the nature of the work would admit, he has, in the text, marked, generally, the long syllables with their proper mark, and in the dictionary the long and short syllables are designated. By a strict attention to these at first boys will become so habituated to read according to quantity, that little difficulty on that subject will afterwards occur.

From the general circulation into which this interesting little volume had got, six large editions having been published in about seven years, the proprietor determined to have it stereotyped. Previous, however, to his entering on so expensive an undertaking, and anxious that the work should be rendered as correct as possible, the text, as well as the vocabulary, have been carefully revised not only by the author, but also by Mr. Thomas S. Joy, an eminent classical teacher in this city; and he has reason to hope that by their care and assiduity no error of consequence can have remained unnoticed. Still, however, if the preceptor of any of our academies, grammar schools, or private seminaries, or any other literary gentleman should discover any inaccuracy and be pleased to communicate the same to the proprietor, his attention will be thankfully acknowledged, and the mistake rectified without delay

New-York, 30th of July, 1825