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Pagina:Logonomia anglica qua gentis sermo facilius addiscitur.djvu/50

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Chap. 7.

2 Kloudz & darknes ar round about him : rjħteuſnes and ᵹuᵹment ar ðe habitäſion of hiz thrön.

3 A fjer goeth biför him: & burneth up hiz enemjz round about. 4 Hiz ljħtningz inljħtned ðe world: ðe ërth ſau, & trembled. 5 Ðe hilz melted ljk wax at ðe prezens of ðe Lord: at ðe prezens of ðe Lord of ðe whöl ërth.

6 Ðe he𝑣ens deklär hiz rjħteusnes : & äl ðe pïpl ſï hiz glöri. 7 Konfounded bi âl ðëi ðat ſer𝑣 grä𝑣n jmaᵹez, & böst ðemſel𝑣z of jdolz : wurſhip him âl yi godz. 8 Sion härd, & waz glad, & ðe dauħterz of Iuda reᵹoiſed: bikauz of ðj ᵹuᵹments, ô Lord.

9 For ðou Lord art hjħ abu𝑣 âl ðe ërth: ðou art exalted far abu𝑣 âl godz. 10 Yï ðat lu𝑣 ðe Lord, hät ï𝑣l; Hï prezer𝑣eth ðe ſöulz of hiz ſaints : Hï deli𝑣ereth ðem out of ðe hand of ðe wiked.  11 Ljħt iz ſöun for ðe rjħteus, and gladnes ſor ðe uprjħt in hart: 12 Reᵹois in ðe Lord. yi rjħteus : and gï𝑣 thanks at ðe remembrans of hiz hölines.

PSAL. 104.

BLes ðe Lord, ô mj ſöul: ô Lord mj God ðou art 𝑣eri grët: ðou art klöðed with Onor & Maᵹeſtj.

2 Whü ku𝑣ereſt ðj ſelf with ljħt, az with a garment: Whü ſtrecheſt out ðe he𝑣nz ljk a kurtain:

3 Whü laieth ðe bëmz of hiz chamberz in ðe wäters; whü mäketh ðe kloudz hiz charet : whü walketh upon ðe wingz of ðe wjnd.

4 Whü