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Pagina:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/235

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Temporibus Henrici III. EDWARDique I. & II. 189
Compositio ulnarum et perticarum. See Appendix.
Statutum de brevi de inquisitionibus concedendo de terris ad manum mortuam ponendis. Anno 20 Edw. I. See Appendix.
Statutum de judeismo. See Appendix.
Statutum de Catall' Felonum. See Appendix.
Statutum pro tenentibus per legem Anglie. See Appendix.
Prohibitio formata de Statuto Articulorum Cleri. See Appendix.
Articuli et Sacrament a Ministrorum Regis in itinere Justiciariorum. See Appendix.
De Magnis assisis & duellis. See Appendix.
De dimissione [seu divisione] denariorum. See Appendix.
Anno primo E D W A R D I III.

Statutes made at Westminster, the Seventh of March, in the First Year of the Reign of the Noble King Edward the Third, Stat. I. in the Year of our Lord 1327.

A Confirmation of the Banishment of Hugh Spencer the Father, and Hugh Spencer the Son. See Appendix
None shall be impeached which took Part with the King against his Father. See Appendix.