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Eventum investigationis

  • there were no ne, the verb would be in the Imperative. Always use the Perfect Subjunctive in commands with a negative, if it be the second person. vobiscum...
    481 octeti (5 926 verba) - 07:42, 15 Iunii 2020
  • the proper words in their dictionaries; and parents have often and with reason complained of the destruction thus occasioned in books which cost so dear...
    374 octeti (12 776 verba) - 15:57, 17 Augusti 2024
  • abl. ablative. gen. genitive. perf. perfect. acc. accusative. impers. impersonal. Pf- perfect. adj. adjective. indecl. indeclinable. pl. plural. adv....
    554 octeti (97 verba) - 08:28, 25 Maii 2020